5 Organizational Apps Every Woman Needs To Get Her Hustle On
I'm a pretty messy person.
The only reason my apartment looks like a home, not the storage unit of a hoarder, is because my roommate and I invest in a bi-weekly housekeeper. My work desk, however, is in a permanent state of disarray thanks to a never-ending stream of press releases, fact sheets and whiskey-scented beauty products.
While my life might not be physically organized, I'm still making an effort to get my sh*t together. Can't hustle if I don't know where anything is, right?
Between note-taking service Evernote and blogging portal Bloglovin, I'm always playing with new apps that promise to get my life on track. Here are a few of the apps I can't function without.
If you're a multitasker at heart, try IFTTT.
My goal in life is to have my very own personal assistant. Working for me is most people's version of torture, so I'm down to settle for the next best thing.
IFTTT, which stands for “if this then that,” makes your life a little more seamless by linking up your apps. These pairings, called “recipes," connect your apps so they work in sync.
Think automatically turning off your WiFi when your battery's low, or sending a text to your partner when you leave work. If you want to get extra-fancy, link your Facebook to your photos so every new image you're tagged in is saved to your iPhone.
It's free, too, unlike that personal assistant I've been wanting for months now.
If you play favorites with your contacts, go for Cloze.
95 percent of my Facebook friends are totally lame and I'm sick of seeing updates about their engagements, children and stupid jobs.
Luckily, Cloze eliminates all that white noise by promoting what's important from the people who matter to you. It collects information from your email, Twitter and Facebook, using it to compile a list of your most important people and their updates. No more baby photos from your third cousin, yay!
Cloze also keeps you closer with your contacts by warning you when it's time to send those follow-up emails, so you have no excuse to neglect your poor mother anymore.
If you're planning the budget for your next girls' trip, manage cash with Spendee.
I find the only way I can get any of my friends to get up off their asses and do anything these days is if I'm the one doing the planning. Especially if it's something big, like a vacation or an important birthday.
Spendee makes figuring out a budget for big activities way easier. Unlike other finance-planning apps, Spendee allows you to make joint budgets and share “wallets” with others, so you know exactly where your money is going.
If you're obsessed with crossing things off a to-do list, get Trello.
I love checking things off my list, but the pre-installed apps on my phone don't make that action very satisfying. Trello is for the borderline-OCD checklister in all of us.
The app allows you to create multiple to-do lists, complete with photos, maps, graphs and all sorts of aesthetically-pleasing things. There's even a way to share lists with other people, so they can yell at you when you put off fixing a door handle for the third month in a row.
If the bottom of your purse is filled with receipts, sort them out with Shoeboxed.
Finding receipts at the bottom of all my purses is like a treasure hunt. It is, however, a necessary evil. Somewhere between all the eyebrow threading and bar tab receipts are things that actually matter, like the receipt for a pair of Saint Laurent pumps I bought in a size too big.
Shoeboxed acts like its namesake, holding onto all those little pieces of paper. All you need to do is take a photo of your receipt and the app saves it for later use. Say hello to a receipt-free future for your bag.
While I'm still going to be a disorganized person in virtually every aspect of my life, at least my Android will hold my sh*t together somewhat. Or, at least it'll seem that way to anyone who borrows my phone.