
This 17-Year-Old Girl Has A Better Understanding Of What's Important Than Most Adults Do (Video)

by Katie Gonzalez

In response to the haters, the many men in society as well as the women (we're certainly not blameless in perpetuating this phenomenon), who teach girls to despise their bodies and themselves, the inspirational Savannah Brown of A Mighty Girl spells out the truth in the form of a slam poem.

"But, I mean, we all end up with our heads between our knees because the only place we'll ever really feel safe is curled up inside skin we've been taught to hate by a society that shuns our awful confidence and feeds us our own flaws."

Brown decided to post her own social commentary after watching a video Nash Grier uploaded to YouTube and then almost immediately took down, which we can only assume was due to the sexist nature of the clip's contents.

In the 10-minute-rant, Grier and friends discuss "What Guys Look for in Girls"— the first of all those super important traits being a woman's ability to "entertain me."

But in reality, Grier's removal of the clip just shows that he's ashamed, and it's Brown who eloquently gets the quickly-uttered last word:

"Since when was loving who we are made an offense by morons that don't matter? Change this physicality and that one. Don't you dare shatter the illusion that you could ever be anything beyond paper-fine flesh and flashy teeth and fingernails. A code of accusations of not good enough, never good enough. Have you ever felt so numb that it hurts? Entertain me."

H/T: Upworthy