
WHO Reports Alarming Numbers On Violence Against Women

by Kayla Inglima

In almost unbelievable findings by WHO (World Health Organization), it’s been estimated that 1 in 3 women worldwide will be subject to some form of sexual or physical violence in their lifetimes. The findings show that 35% of women are victims of sexual and physical violence, and that most often the attacker is an intimate partner.

In addition, the study reported that 38% of women who were murdered were done so by the hands of their intimate partners, and that women who were the subjects of domestic violence were more likely to suffer from depression and to have alcohol problems, sexually transmitted diseases and abortions.

Violence against women is a global issue and epidemic. The implications of the violence are not limited to the victims themselves, but expand to their family and friends.

The study spans the entire globe and, undoubtedly, there are parts of the world where this is a much stronger and more prevalent problem. For instance, in parts of Africa where rape is not only common, but expected. The fact that girls in countries in the continent of Africa (and other impoverished nations where the governmental structures do not, or cannot, prevent these sexual assaults) are forced to grow up in fear that they will one day be the victims of rape is outrageous. Girls deserve to grow up in a world where their bodies are kept safe from assault and violence, or at the very least, efforts are made to do so.

However, even in the U.S., where we have legislation put in place to protect our female citizens from these types of abuses, there are still those who fall through the cracks and are victimized either sexually or physically.

The fact of the matter is that despite our efforts to prevent violence legislatively, the only solution to this issue is to instill into the youth across this planet that violence-especially towards women, is unacceptable. Onto that, we need to facilitate a global culture where men see and respect females as equals.

This is the 21st century, the only way we can continue to grow and evolve as a species is if we learn to work together to improve ourselves. While we can set parameters within our infrastructures to prevent social, political and economic issues, the heart of the matter lies in human culture and the way we raise our offspring. The ideals and beliefs that we impress on future generations hold our fate entirely.

In the end, the solution lies in creating a world where girls can grow up and have every opportunity to reach their fullest potentials and to become the future leaders and innovators that this planet needs to survive.

Kayla Inglima | Elite.

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