16 Perfumes At Sephora That Match Every Mood For The Holidays
The thought of gifting a fragrance sounds intimidating but it’s actually quite simple if you’re familiar with the disposition of the person you’re gifting. You know… the vibe or energy that they give off. Are they demure? A soft, warm fragrance is the way to go. Do they give corporate baddie? Look for a scent that’s a little spicy to match their fiery energy. Ahead, we selected four moods we love to gift fragrances for, and with the help of Sephora’s selection, matched them up with fragrances that will align with them perfectly. Read on to find the perfect spritz for everyone on your list.
She’s Demure
This is for the person in your circle who leans into the soft life: They favor slow mornings and serene acts of self-care over the hustle and bustle. For them, consider a fragrance that’s as soft and warm as they are with a scent that veers comforting and a little sweet.
Vibrant & Fresh Energy
Their positive, upbeat outlook always feels like a breath of fresh air, so get them a fragrance that coincides. Energizing notes of citrus and florals will do just the trick.
Giving Corporate Baddie
Whether they’re C-suite or have strong ambitions for rising the corporate ladder, they know how to command respect. These scents will beautifully complement their spicy side, with notes of zippy pink pepper, rich ginger, and even bourbon.
Flirty Vibes
Lean into their sweet, romantic side with these fresh-picked florals that will make them fall in love with every spray.
A Wild Card
This person can’t be put into a box — their personality and mood simply cannot be defined. For them, a range of different scents is your best bet.