The 3 Things Jenny Slate Is Doing Right With Her Dating Life That Everyone Should Follow
Jenny Slate is the epitome of the word "endearing." She also just so happens to be my girl crush of all girl crushes.
My obsession could be because she's from near where I grew up in Massachusetts and I feel that faux-kinship thing. It could also be because she's a charming actor, hilarious comic, and the originator of the ultimate cuteness that is Marcel the Shell.
She's also the only celeb who's ever Insta-racted with me, so basically we're BFFs (as you can see below).
Her career is super inspiring, but so is her boss lady romantic life. I was always loved the adorable fact that Slate and her ex-husband made art together, I admired her graceful split from Chris Evans, and I straight up freaked when I heard that she and Jon Hamm went to the movies together and thus are totally, undeniably dating... maybe.
As an avid Mad Men fan who's fallen hard for Jon Hamm doppelgangers IRL more than once, I have only one reaction: PLEASE LET THIS BE TRUE!
I may not know who Jenny's spending her time with outside from tabloid rumors, but I do know the ways in which she posts so candidly about her feelings on Instagram, ignores haterade from jealous fan girls about the men she dates, and stays true to her feminist self are all things I can apply to my life when it comes to being better at dating.
Jenny, if you're out there, I hope you're down with me making these sweeping generalizations to inspire some lady power.
1. She Shows Her Vulnerable Side
Slate's Instagram is so delightfully honest and full of posts that recognize all emotions, good or bad, that I recently recommended it to a friend going through a particularly tricky heartbreak. Without being totally obvious, I feel like she's shared her ups and downs through relationship land, which is super generous and makes me feel all the feels.
Just look at this post above from a few months back.
"Don't wait for anyone to say yes, don't hope for anything before you hope for yourself" is like a 100 percent more digestible way of saying "you have to love yourself before you love anybody else".
It resonates because it's heartfelt and feels personal. It's refreshing to see the not-so-sunny and more open and honest version of things on social media.
Everyone experiences heartbreak, but it doesn't mean you won't feel love again.
I want to be able to be this open about the feelings in my life, too.
2. She Stays True To Her Feminist Self
The reason I had been rooting so hard for Chris Evans and Jenny Slate was mostly because of the adorable recording of Anna Faris' podcast, Unqualified, they did together (and not just because Evans is a Boston boy).
By the time I listened to the episode, they were dating, but during the podcast they weren't "public" yet. The sparks were already FLYING through my headphones, though.
I remember Jenny specifically mentioning her armpit-hair growth attempts and feelings that females shouldn't conform to what men conventionally find attractive. She was with the typical jock, muscled-up movie star she was woo-ing (or already dating), and telling it like it was anyway, no worries about what he thought.
I'm pretty outspoken, but I've definitely dumbed down my avid feminist feels on a first date so as not to seem "intimidating." Well, not doing that anymore!
3. She's Not Afraid To Go For A Rebound
Yes, this rumor was simply spawned by two movie actors... both with obvious interest in movies... going to see a movie together.
But who cares? If Jenny is getting down with Jon, then I commend her and will absolutely label them as "Jonny."
I don't root for this just because he's attractive (and has a extremely large penis). I root for this because she's as good looking, funny and smart as he is, and deserves whatever she wants.
I'm inspired by the fact that she's getting back out there, despite publicly acknowledging the pain of breaking up. Slate has rebounded from a year long relationship in better time than I have from finding out someone I barely dated has a brand new girlfriend.
The pain of breaking up can make us want to close off forever, but it's not worth it. Getting back out there means finding new, awesome people who are pretty much giant upgrades.
So thank you, Jenny, for being the cutest ever and sharing your heart with us plebeians struggling in love out here!
And let's be honest: If I had more time, I would write "100 Things Jenny Slate Is Doing Right In All Of The Ways, All Of The Time."