A Glossary Of All The Weird Dating Trends Out There That Are Likely Driving You Crazy
These days, there is a name for everything a potential love interest does to you that slowly ruins your life. They stop calling? Oh, that's ghosting. They fall off the face of the Earth, but then pop up later to like your Instagram photo? That's zombieing, obviously!
It's hard to keep up with all the dating trends out there, so I, your very best friend, decided to make a glossary of all these dating terms for you to help you look out for these annoying trends and shut them down if you're dealing with them.
Here are all the relationship crazes out there that are most likely driving you crazy.
1. Ghosting
What is it?
Ghosting is when that person you were dating — whom you thought you potentially had a future with — suddenly vanishes from your life completely without warning.
Who does it?
People who ghost are just not that into you. They're cowards who would rather run away than give you the closure you deserve.
How can you spot it?
If there's a severe lack of communication between you two, lots of last-minute canceled plans, obvious lies, and a slow fadeaway, they're probably ghosting you.
2. Benching
What is it?
Benching is essentially when your crush leads you on but makes no effort to see you IRL. They go for long periods of time without contacting you, keeping you on the back burner for a later date. And most likely, you are there with a lot of other people.
Who does it?
Benchers are essentially the emotionally unavailable, commitment-phobes — the selfish people who are dating multiple other people at once.
How can you spot it?
Your relationship will exist mostly over the phone and online, and it'll rarely ever make it to real date territory, if it ever does. And when you ask what's going on, this person will always have an excuse.
3. Zombieing
What is it?
Zombieing is when you think you are ghosted by your crush, only to have them return weeks or months later with a random text or social media like. Essentially, that person you think ghosted you has come back from the dead.
Who does it?
The people who zombie you are people who are emotionally manipulative and who don't really know what they want. They're likely commitment-phobes as well.
How can you spot it?
You'll get random texts, the occasional Instagram like, an unnecessary direct message, or anything that says "hey stranger!" or "u up?!"
4. Cushioning
What is it?
Cushioning happens when a person who is in a relationship (usually an unhealthy one, which is bound to end soon) already has a backup plan with another person. They might be emotionally cheating already, or crossing the line with some of their friends whom they are potentially interested in. They're essentially "cushioning" themselves from the aftermath of a potential breakup.
Who does it?
They're usually cheaters at their core — people who are emotionally unfaithful or who are in dysfunctional relationships.
How can you spot it?
If you find your friend who is in a relationship flirting with you or sending you selfies that make you feel a little bit uncomfortable, then you might be the victim of cushioning.
5. Love Bombing
What is it?
Love Bombing is actually a form of emotional abuse. It's when a new partner overwhelms you with love and affection early on in your relationship, so much so that you can't see any of their faults. The relationship moves so quickly and is so rooted in fantasy, that it seems like a dream come true.
However, as soon as you begin to pull away, your suitor's true colors come out — and usually, they aren't very pretty.
Who does it?
Love bombers are essentially narcissists and sociopaths (and my ex-boyfriend).
How can you spot it?
You may be love bombed if your relationship moves too quickly, and your partner presents you with lavish presents, unreasonable promises, or anything that is not rooted in reality. Remember, a good relationship moves sloooooooowly and carefully.
6. Breadcrumbing
What is it?
Breadcrumbing is when you lead someone on by giving them "crumbs" in the form of cute texts or messages that are flirtatious in nature, but you have no intentions of moving the relationship to the next level.
Who does it?
Selfish people who fear commitment will likely breadcrumb you.
How can you spot it?
If the person you're seeing is all text and no action for no good reason, they're probably breadcrumbing you.
7. Cuffing
What is it?
Cuffing is when you seek out a relationship or commit to someone right around the winter months or the holidays. According to Urban Dictionary, "the cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed."
Who does it?
People who want a relationship over the holidays will likely cuff someone else.
How can you spot it?
Rampant relationship status changes on Facebook over the holidays are a pretty good sign of cuffing.
8. Uncuffing
What is it?
Uncuffing is the opposite of cuffing (obviously) and happens during the spring and the summer. In the warmer months, people are more inclined to be single, social, and flirtatious. Hence, they might break up with their boo, "uncuffing" themselves.
Who does it?
Uncuffers are people who want to be footloose and fancy free for the summer.
How can you spot it?
When that guy you thought was in a relationship starts hitting you up again when it starts warming up, or that girl who had a serious boyfriend suddenly starts posting thirst traps on Instagram, you know it's uncuffing season.
Do you have more relationship trends you've encountered? Let me know in the comments. Please. My love life depends on it.
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