40 Flirty Comments To Leave On Your Crush's IG To Get Their Attention
“Hey, I think you dropped this: 👑.”
Newsflash: The modern version of passing a paper note back and forth in class is leaving a flirty message on someone's most recent IG post. Whether you've been macking on a cutie for a while or the sparks are just starting to fly, leaving flirty comments on your crush's IG pics are sure to get their attention and likes. What's better than that?
While you never need to do anything that makes you super uncomfortable, getting out of your comfort zone and putting yourself out there can help your crush see how amazing you are. From leaving a silly comment to sliding into their DMs, social media can be a great way to get the conversation ball rollin' with a potential boo. Of course, it's important to be mindful and considerate of everyone's comfort level before you get to flirting. If your crush is on the shyer side or you've never talked IRL, you may want to hold off on sending any graphic or suggestive messages. While making the first move can be super hot, making someone totally uncomfortable is a never a cute look.
Still, if you're looking to turn up the heat, here are some attention-grabbing comments for crush pics on Instagram.
- I wish you could "super like" on IG.
- ⚠️Thirst trap alert⚠️
- You look just like [insert celebrity's name] here!
- So... are you an influencer yet or what?
- [Color they're wearing] looks good on you. It's definitely your power color.
- Um, I need to hear more about this IRL.
- Who gave you permission to be this cute?!
- Did you wake up like this?
- Whoa, whoa, whoa. I didn't realize I was friends with a model.
- Can I swipe up to shop your look?
- OMG, I was just there.
- Go off!
- This looks like a skincare ad. You're literally glowing.
- I love [name of place]! have you tried [thing at place]?
- It should be against the law to look this good without a filter.
- Um, be right there.
- Your outfit is amazing.
- You wake up, flawless. Post up, flawless.
- Hiii @FordModels, you should probs book this hottie ASAP.
- Hey, I think you dropped this: 👑.
- OK, showoff.
- Oh, you fancy, huh? 💅
- OK, who took this?!
- Um, I'm here for this content.
- We get it — you're, like, super hot and nice.
- Whatever it is you're selling, I'm buying.
- It's the [fill in the blank] for me.
- How do you look so good every day?!?!
- Someone was definitely ready for their close-up.
- Love this lewk.
- @[mutual friend's name] We're coming next time.
- OK, flex.
- Weird, you must have forgotten to invite me to this.
- Um, looking like this should be against the rules.
- You're doing amazing, sweetie!
- 11/10
- How can I cop?
- I liked this and then un-liked it, just to like it again.
- Sheeeeesh. You gotta warn people before you post something this hot.
- When are you going to drop your skincare routine? Don't be shy.
If these fun and flirty IG comments don’t get your crush’s attention, then nothing will.
Editor's Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.
This article was originally published on