
This Girl Sent Her First Booty Call Text Ever To A Guy Who Fell Asleep On Her
by Candice Jalili
This week, we have college senior Charlotte* who sent out her first real booty call, only to have some pretty awesome results.
I sent out my first real 'booty call' to a guy I was hooking up with. (Stakes were low...) It was the week after spring break. And the guy I was hooking up with texted me asking to walk me to class and catch up because we have class at the same time (classy guy).
He was just getting back from a backpacking trip to Nepal, so he was on the weirdest sleep/time schedule. When I got to my class, he said goodbye and "let me know if you want to hang out later." My stomach dropped. I should let HIM know if I wanted to hang out later?! This isn't going to happen.
I should let HIM know if I wanted to hang out later?! That isn't going to happen.
9:41 pm: He initiates the first move.
I was pretty drunk and playing the game "cardboard" at our pregame when he texted me...
9:52 pm: He continues with useless banter, and I'm getting annoyed.
He started asking me a bunch of questions, and I was drunkenly getting annoyed, thinking, 'OK, you live down the street from me. Get your ass over here and hang if you want to ask me a bunch of questions about what I'm doing while I'm pregaming with my friends.'
10:27 pm: I make the move.
So I started getting a little short with him. This guy is sort of a serial texter when he wants to hang out. So drunk me decided it was actually a good idea to initiate something.
11:28 pm: There's no response, and I'm ANNOYED.
I decided to call him out. I was getting drunker and bitchier by the second apparently....
11:48 pm: He arrives at my door.
He said fell asleep. Fair.
The last message is from the next night. ;)
Honestly, MAD PROPS to this girl.
As far as a first time making a booty call goes, I'd say this is the absolute best case scenario.
Not only did he show up at her doorstep like a freaking prompt Postmates delivery, but he had so much fun that he even came back for more the next night.
Our girl Charlotte has got MAD game.
*Names have been changed.