Um, Did You Know *This* Many People Are Having Sex At Music Festivals?
Who knew concerts could get so spicy?
There’s something deliciously illicit about having sex in public. At a public park. Inside a car. In a dressing room. Although these places all offer some semblance of privacy, the idea of doing the nasty in a forbidden, semi-public locale is a thrill that can’t be beaten.
According to a 2022 poll by Nasty Gal, 59% of Americans are getting off at music festivals, which have all the seclusion of Disneyland. However, I can’t say I blame them. Mix sun, a sexy soundtrack, and tons of hotties (or your partner), and you’ve got a one-way ticket to O-town.
If that number seems high, that’s because it is. Remember, though, this data solely represents Nasty Gal shoppers — aka people who are buying this bralette made of tinsel, shorts so short they’re called “panty shorts,” and this backless chainmail mini dress with two hip-high slits. Your choice of clothing doesn’t dictate your interest in sex — you can get your freak on while wearing Ann Taylor, too. But some festival-goers may be more comfy spicing things up between songs.
But mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the randiest of them all? It turns out that in the Northeast, it’s bang o’clock pretty much all the time. Eighty percent of those polled in the Northeast say they have had sex at a festival compared to only 32% of people in the West, 60% of people in the Midwest, and 57% of people in the Southeast. Is there something in the water at Governor’s Ball? Or perhaps it’s just that everyone is ready to hit it after a long, dreary Northeastern winter.
“My boyfriend and I will screw at pretty much any festival,” says Ashley*, 32. “You’re uninhibited, you’re having a great time, you’re not wearing a ton of clothes, and it’s a nice change from the bedroom. If you go to a festival in a wooded area, it’s perfect. Almost no one goes into the woods, you can still kind of hear the music and it’s actually super romantic.”
Forty-one of festival-goers have reportedly had sex in the porta-potty, a location most popular in the Northwest. Yes, some people were so turned on they were willing to risk getting covered in other people’s poop. Personally, due to the smell alone, I’d rather become a nun. But to each their own.
According to Nasty Gal’s findings, other common spots included in your own tent, in someone else’s tent, behind something (e.g. a stage, food truck, etc.), or in the crowd. However, 56% of respondents reported cars as their favorite place to have sex at a festival and a whopping 68% of these naughty folks admit they’ve gotten caught.
“After being at the festival all day, we were both super horny, so we decided to head over to the car,” Megan*, 28 says. “Unfortunately — in this instance anyway — my BF is 6’4”, so car sex is a bit awkward. So we decided to do it with him standing and me on my back on top of the car. We thought we were pretty secluded in the parking lot since everyone was at the festival and we parked at the end of the lot, but midway through we heard clapping and cheering for us. I didn’t know whether to be proud or mortified. But overall, it was fun. Ten out of ten.”
Now that festival season is upon us, it’s time to let your hair down. Or your pants, as the case may be. Find your cozy little spot and bang away. Just make sure to keep it safe.
*Names have been changed.
This article was originally published on