7 Subtle Ways A Guy Will Show He's Head Over Heels For You
If I had a penny for every time I heard a woman say, “All guys are assh*les,” I’d be rich. I'd be absolutely loaded.
But, how often do you hear women raving about how great a guy is? Sure, plenty of guys fall into the douchebag category, but not all of them.
Women, you’re so focused on what he doesn’t do that you fail to notice all the things he does do. If you pay attention to what he does do, you could see a part of him you've never have before.
Let's be clear, though. Expensive meals, gifts and trips are not “little things.” Sorry, ladies.
But once you start to notice the real little things, you won’t even care about all the things money can buy.
Great guys are hard to come by, but they exist.
I’ll bet there are plenty in your life.
The problem is, you haven’t been looking with the right lens.
So ladies, it’s time to make the change and open your eyes to these little things you’re bound to overlook.
1. Texts
Today, technology is everything. Texting is something we can’t live without.
In a relationship, texting may or may not be a big focus. Some people prefer phone calls, some love to text and some aren’t really into doing either.
Of course, conversation should always be enjoyable. But you shouldn't overlook the random, mid-day text that only has the intention to make you smile.
2. Flowers
Every woman loves flowers, and any good guy is sure to give a woman flowers on all the major occasions.
But why isn’t a random Tuesday a major occasion? Why not today? What about when you’re having a horrible week?
The good guy will never miss a big moment, but the great guy makes any moment a big one.
The great guy knows the power of flowers, and he's never afraid to use them.
3. Fixing Your Hair
Science says when you’re interested in someone, you start to lean toward him or her in conversation. Those are the moments when your hair refuses to stay behind your ear (the worst).
Ever been with a guy who gently fixes your hair for you? I don't mean in the creepy way, but in the genuine and sweet way.
That’s where you need to be paying attention, or you could miss out on something special.
4. Dinner
In dating and relationships, dinner is a must.
Every guy tries to impress women with nice meals. You shouldn’t judge him for doing that, but rather, you should look for the guy to applaud.
When you come across the guy who offers to make you dinner instead of taking you out, you best be paying attention.
That dinner could change everything for you.
5. Notes or Letters
Some guys are all about that cute, spontaneous stuff, and if they’re ever at your place, they might just give you a reason to keep them around. But that's only if you can find it.
Whether it says something cute or funny, a special guy might leave you a little note. Make sure you see it!
(Hint: If he writes good notes, he may write great love letters. There’s nothing more classically romantic than love letters.)
6. Conversation
This one is huge, yet it's so easy to miss.
Do you notice the guy who asks you questions? Looks you in the eyes?
Wants to know about your day? Week? Month?
To go one step further, when he does ask, and you respond, do you notice the guy passionately listening, leaning in with his eyes locked on you?
Conversation is everything when it comes to dating and relationships. There’s no better way to understand a person.
7. Walking You Home
Small gestures like walking you home or walking you out can leave a great impression, but not all guys will think to do that.
So, remember when he does.
Every so often, you’ll come across a guy who is really on his game. Odds are, he’s done everything I’ve already mentioned and more. So, if you’ve picked up on those and are still not convinced, this is the "cherry on top."
The next time you two are walking down a sidewalk, pay attention to who is on the street side.
The really amazing guy is the one who makes sure he is always there, going so far as to swap sides if you occupy that side.
You probably have no clue why that is so special, but think about it. That’s a guy who is showing you you will always be his focus.
He wants to protect you. He’s a gentleman. If you're able to notice that guy, you most definitely won’t regret it.
In some ways, these little things are the kinds of gestures you'll only see in movies like “The Notebook” and “Dear John,” but once you realize these guys (actually) exist, you’ll start to see all these little things in your everyday life.
Ladies, take my word for it. The little things are life-changing.
While they don’t ensure a guy will be perfect or "the one," doing any or all of them will reveal other parts of his character you’re bound to fall for.
Don’t be disappointed with the selection of guys, when you’re likely missing some of their greatest qualities.
Look for the little things, and find your Mr. Right.