13 Ways To Win Over The Busy Girl If You Think She's Out Of Your League
If you think the girl of your dreams is a universe away from the league you're chilling in, don't give up just yet.
She may seem like she has so much going on in her life, but trust me, if you have the entire package, she'll notice you… no matter how busy you think she is.
It's time to batter up, guys. Show her the awesome man you are, with all of the wit, charm and humor you have to offer. Give it your all, and aim for the home run.
Overall, things should unfold pretty naturally. Don't force it, and whatever you do, don't take it to extreme lengths to impress her -- just be you.
Here are 13 ways to win over the busy girl if you think she's out of your league.
1. Take charge and make the first move.
There's nothing sexier than a man who knows exactly what he wants, and does what he has to do to get it.
2. Don't try too hard.
Stay true to yourself.
3. Be confident, not cocky.
No one finds a pompous jerk attractive in any way whatsoever.
4. Give her space.
Don't be up her ass texting her 24/7 — make her wonder.
5. Show her the kind of guy you are on the inside.
Sure, you may be a handsome catch on the outside, but if she doesn't like what she sees on the inside, you're toast. There are plenty other good fish in the sea.
6. Make a memorable impression.
You only get one chance to make a spectacular first impression, so don't screw it up!
7. Ensure she has an awesome time when she's with you.
Leave her wanting more, and looking forward to seeing you again.
8. Make your own plans, in addition to your plans with her.
She'll find it attractive that you're not always available, and have plans of your own.
9. Be creative.
It definitely doesn't have to be an expensive date, but she'll love the fact that you put thought into it.
10. Keep the corniness to a minimum.
There's nothing cornier than not being able to control your corniness.
11. Don't be afraid to show her your world.
She'll be intrigued and impressed by your interests, hobbies and passions.
12. Don't suck up to her.
Show her you're her equal, and that you guys make a great match.
13. Really listen to what she has to say.
… And show interest in what she's talking about.
It's the truest thing that you really only get one chance to make a great first impression. No pressure, though.