20 Adorable Ideas For Hinge’s “Leave A Comment If” Prompt
You’ll be getting comments left and right.
Of the many delightful prompts offered by Hinge, “You should leave a comment if” is definitely one of my favorites. It’s a chance to be open and forthright, to invite exactly the kinds of matches for which you’re looking to start a conversation. And, anecdotally, it’s how my own relationship began. Before we started dating, my boyfriend’s Hinge profile included the line, “You should leave a comment if… you like men in their 30s who still get ID’ed.” And reader, let me tell you: I do like men in their 30s who still get ID’ed. So leave a comment, I did. (Thank goodness!)
“It’s an opportunity to say something quirky or silly,” says Logan Ury, Director of Relationship Science at Hinge and author of How Not To Die Alone. “It’s also an opportunity to share your values or get vulnerable… Telling someone your specific quirks or pleasures can help create a vivid image of who you are and help them picture what a relationship with you would be like. One of my key tips to designing a great dating app profile is to think through three things you want to express about yourself and use your photos and prompts to get those messages across. Prompts like these are a great way to share those three things.”
If you’re wondering what to include on your own Hinge profile under “Leave a comment if,” here are 20 potential responses and adorable ideas to keep in mind.
1. Your perfect Friday night involves half a pizza and two glasses of Chianti.
2. You’re always the first — and last — person on the dance floor. (Because same.)
3. You’re also looking for someone with whom you can curl up and watch reruns of Parks and Rec (and you, um, don’t mind a bit of snoring).
4. Live music also makes you emotional.
5. You agree that the 2004 World Series was the greatest in baseball history.
6. You also asked your therapist for advice on putting together this profile.
7. You’re down to meet me *and* my fluffy best friend. (He’s a goldendoodle named Charlie.)
8. You consider listening to your Spotify Discover playlist to be living on the edge.
9. You can teach me how to ride a bike. (Seriously, I never learned!)
10. The Little Prince is also your favorite book of all time.
11. You don’t mind that I will definitely steal your sweatshirts.
12. You also have deep chats with Uber drivers at 1 a.m. Five stars for Hank!
13. Michael Barbaro’s voice is the only one you want to wake up to.
14. Your enjoy festive socks, because my mom *will* send you a variety for your birthday.
15. You promise never to respond to a text with “k.”
16. You hate hiking, too.
17. You’re not into health food, but you’re into champagne. 🎶
18. You think everything should be organized in rainbow order.
19.You also think good grammar is a turn-on.
20. You’re into people in their [mid-20s, late 20s, 30s...] who still get ID’ed.
I had to throw that last one in — hope it helps you find your soulmate, too!