Laverne Cox Drops Some Solid Dating Advice We Could All Use: "I Don't Glam Up"
In an interview with Access Hollywood, actress Laverne Cox dropped some dating advice that we all could use. Seriously, take out a piece of paper and start taking notes. The star of Orange is the New Black described why she doesn't “glam up” to impress her dates. Rather than spending time in the mirror, Laverne Cox's dating advice is to show up with nothing more than maybe a little powder on her face.
“I show up as Laverne,” said the actress, who is also known for her LGBTQ advocacy, “and I'm like, 'This is it.'”
She said that she doesn't know whether or not the first few dates are going to be with someone who lasts or not, so she's not going to put an obscene amount of effort into her appearance until her dates have proved that they are worth her time and her effort.
“I'm not about trying to make them like me,” she added, saying that when she was younger, she would try to prove how likable she was to the people she dated. Now, Cox says she is more interested in whether she feels anything for the person she has been seeing.
“Do I like you? Do we have anything in common? Are you into the real, authentic Laverne stripped way down?” she listed.
Who hasn't spent 30 minutes to an hour getting ready for a date — only to have them show up looking like a complete schlub? Or who hasn't gone out with someone who realizes they are more interested in your physical appearance than what you carry in your heart?
Cox's advice makes me think twice about how I swipe on Tinder — which basically requires you to make snap judgments based on a person's appearance — and also how I present myself on dates. Am I trying to prove something to the people I am seeing? Or am I waiting for them to prove something to me? There's a certain bravery to showing up bare-faced and vulnerable on a first date, especially when first impressions can make it seem as high-pressure as a job interview.
In the interview, which you can watch for yourself here, Cox went on to say that she is recently single and therefore not ready to jump into anything serious. She also read a letter she wrote to her 19-year-old self, which got both her and me welling up.
“You are beautiful, smart, and amazing,” she wrote in the letter. “You are not crazy for knowing you are a girl.”
Is it just me, or does Laverne Cox seem like she's the best friend every single girl needs in the world right now? Like, I wish I could call her up and take her out on a date. Here's hoping that Laverne Cox is going to put out a self-help book soon. I have a feeling she's full of more advice for how to embrace who you really are — and how to show it off.
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