The Myers-Briggs Personality Type You Should Date, Based On Your Type
An Architect and a Logician are meant to be.
There are a plethora of ways to assess your compatibility with a potential bae. You could, for example, look for mutual interests and passions. You could also consider your zodiac sign, or compare your values and beliefs. However, experts have found that the Myers-Briggs assessment offers even more insight into your ideal matches — and knowing the most compatible Myers-Briggs personality types may help you find your perfect mate.
The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator is based on four main factors: Introversion/Extroversion, Intuition/Sensing, Feeling/Thinking, and Judging/Perceiving, making for 16 distinct personality archetypes. The fewer qualities you share with someone, the less likely you are to be compatible (though there are, of course, exceptions to this). Opposites can and do attract, and sometimes, people who share all four qualities are still far from an ideal match. But when it comes to relationship compatibility, some Myer-Briggs personality types pairs just click.
Every single MBTI type has their own quirks, of course, but it seems certain types are just better suited to balancing them out, fulfilling their needs, and making them feel loved. Not sure what your personality type is? Take the test to find out. Based on your Myers-Briggs personality type, here’s the “type” of person who likely complements you best.
Architect (INTJ) & Logician (INTP)
The Architect (INTJ) tends to be a perfectionist, and at their core, they tend to value rules, order, and planning. They work best with someone who can either balance out their introversion or totally accept it — like The Logician (INTP).
This is an excellent match because both types value honesty and independence. Since both enjoy time alone, neither is likely to get offended when the other needs to recharge solo. And given that they both spend a lot of time thinking about and exploring theories, they can definitely have super insightful, engaging conversation. In fact, they can challenge each other intellectually in a way that each craves. Both personality types have high expectations for themselves, as well as those around them — and neither shies away from a heated debate.
Campaigner (ENFP) & Advocate (INFJ)
At first glance, it may seem like a Campaigner (ENFP) and Advocate (INFJ) are quite different, but the two traits they do share are actually super important — and the ones they don’t can complement each other in a surprising way.
For an ENFP, having an introverted partner offers up a rewarding challenge in terms of connecting on a deep level. Meanwhile, for an INFJ, having an extroverted partner — who’s especially friendly, warm, and compassionate to boot — may encourage them to get out of their comfort zone when it comes to socializing. In other words, this relationship can challenge both partners in a positive way.
Protagonist (ENFJ) & Mediator (INFP)
This is another pairing that perfectly illustrates the importance of balance. A Protagonist (ENFJ) has a knack for getting people to open up so they can get a deeper look, and that’s just what a Mediator (INFP) needs.
An INFP has many complex layers to their personality, and fortunately, an ENFJ will find it immensely fulfilling to take the time to peel back each one. Since these types are both intuitive feelers, they have the awe-inspiring ability to sense each other’s moods, desires, and needs with ease, and then care for each other accordingly. This is helpful, given that the ENFJ is prone to forgetting to take care of their own needs. It will be nearly effortless for these two types to become in tune with each other, and since they’re both skilled communicators, they’re able to avoid misunderstandings and handle issues with ease (which is saying a lot for the conflict-hating ENFJ).
Logistician (ISTJ) & Entertainer (ESFP)
While this may seem like an unlikely duo, the Logistician (ISTJ) and the Entertainer (ESFP) actually make a lot of sense, as they can bring different things to the relationship. This combo serves as proof that opposites really can attract.
While the ESFP will appreciate the ISTJ’s determination, strength of character, and reliability, the ISTJ is bound to be attracted to the ESFP’s natural amiability, charm, and emotional intelligence. These two types make a great team because they’re both sensing personalities, meaning that they tend to focus on the here and now and make decisions based on the facts rather than their feelings or intuition. ESFPs can challenge ISTJs to consider other peoples’ feelings in any situation, and ISTJs can help ESFPs approach problem-solving in a more practical, strategical manner.
Entrepreneur (ESTP) & Defender (ISFJ)
What often draws an Entrepreneur (ESTP) and a Defender (ISFJ) to each other is the fact that they’re both energetic and enthusiastic in everything they do. Likewise, neither type demands a ton of emotional feedback in order to feel satisfied in their relationship, which is a major plus.
Even though an ISFJ is an introvert, this type does enjoy being around small groups of people, so they can totally keep up with an ESTP’s active social life. An ESTP is often attracted to the ISFJ’s dependable, nurturing nature, while the ISFJ is sucked in by the ESTP’s charisma and sense of adventure. Both are sensing types, so they pay attention to detail, which means they’re more likely to make choices and respond to situations in a similar fashion — based on knowledge from past experiences, as well as present facts. Together, these types push each other toward self-improvement.
Consul (ESFJ) & Adventurer (ISFP)
Despite a few differences, a Consul (ESFJ) and an Adventurer (ISFP) tend to balance each other out, while also sharing a common sensitivity, expressiveness, and natural affection. Since they both possess the sensing and feeling preferences, they are both super conscientious and empathetic — not to mention expert communicators.
Both types both prefer to hash out problems by openly and honestly sharing their feelings, and as a result, they can quickly recognize each others’ needs and easily overcome conflict. While the ISFP can be a bit scattered (it comes with the territory of being incredibly creative), the ESFJ is wonderfully patient, and are able to appreciate their partner’s artistic sensibilities while also helping to bring a little order to their lives (which they usually appreciate). Meanwhile, ISFPs can help ESFJs to lighten up and approach life with a more playful, spontaneous attitude.
Virtuoso (ISTP) & Executive (ESTJ)
While a Virtuoso (ISTP) tends to be spontaneous and unpredictable, an Executive (ESTJ) is known for being methodical, organized, and someone who values structure. But while it might seem like an odd pairing, these personalities are actually both pretty pragmatic.
ISTP and ESTJ share the sensing and thinking preferences, which means they have the same straightforward communication tendencies, and they both approach decisions in the same logical, practical way. These shared traits allow them to better understand each other and potentially avoid some conflict because they can be super direct without having to worry about offending each other. Likewise, their differences only make them a stronger team. The extrovert side of ESTJs will appreciate that the introverted ISTP is always willing to lend an ear when they need to vent, and the ISTP will enjoy the fact that their extroverted partner connects them to new people who they may otherwise have been too shy to meet.
Commander (ENTJ) & Debater (ENTP)
What makes the bond between a Commander (ENTJ) and Debater (ENTP) special is that these personality types place a high value on intellect and have a shared eagerness and passion for learning, which means they’re bound to have an endlessly stimulating relationship. They can even enjoy a little healthy competition, motivating each other to improve in a variety of ways.
Direct, analytical, and logical, these personalities tend to approach conflict in much the same way. They can engage in candid conversations about their problems, because neither type is overly sensitive — so they don’t have to sugar coat their thoughts to avoid hurting each other’s feelings. Another commonality for this duo is that they are both forward-thinking, and prefer to thoroughly think through their decisions. As a result, ENTJ and ENTP have an easy time planning for the future together.
It's important to note that there is no such thing as a formula for a perfect pairing — and as much as knowing your MBTI type might be super helpful and informative in regards to your dating life, every person is entirely unique. The best thing you can do is understand what your type says about your relationship needs, and while seeking out people who fulfill those, stay open-minded. Because who knows? You may be surprised by which personality type brings out the best in you, no matter what Myers-Briggs compatibility says.
Editor's Note: This story has been updated by Elite Daily Staff.
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