8 Signs Your Fling Will Never Make It Past The Early Stages Of Dating
Dating is hard.
First, you have to find someone who might be even remotely interested.
Then, you have to pretend to be normal and make all this effort to write and see each other, while still playing the "game."
Your friends have to be waiting by the phone to help you construct the perfect response or to distract you from responding right away.
But what's even harder is reading the signs.
While trying to understand what he means by, "Hey" and "New phone, who dis?" you could be just a hit-it-and-quit-it or a potential wifey.
Here are eight clear signs that show what he truly thinks of you:
1. Time After Time
I don't believe anyone is ever too busy to hang out with you.
It's all about priorities.
So if someone makes time to see you or at least write you, that's a good thing.
But even then, if you notice that you only get texts after 10 pm, that's no bueno.
Someone who is genuinely interested in you wants to know how your day went, and he won't wait too long to write.
If he's just sending you, "Hey, you up?" messages, then that's your cue to either leave him or open up the door for that booty call.
2. Light Of Day
Does he seem nocturnal to you because you only see him at night? Red flag.
If you've never been out in public or seen the sun out with your boo, that's a sign, and it's not a good one.
And going next door to get some take-away pizza while you "Netflix and chill" does not count.
If he is really into you, he will show you off, like Rafiki did with Simba in "The Lion King."
If he doesn't, it means he will probably throw you down a stampede — like Scar did with Mufasa — the second a hotter lioness bats her pretty lashes his way.
3. Ain't Talkin' About Love
What do you guys talk about? Does it seem like a one-sided convo?
Do you have to blast his phone like 10,000 times to get one response? Is he short with you?
Basically, if he is not interested in keeping up the conversation or he's not giving details, then he either has a girlfriend or is part of the mafia.
Either way, avoid him like the plague.
4. Bills, Bills, Bills
I get that with feminism, equality and all that jazz, we shouldn't always expect a man to pick up the check.
But you know that thing called courting?
Well, guys like to impress their fair ladies, and that includes at least trying to pay for a meal, drink, movie ticket or at least some popcorn.
Courtship is still alive, people.
If he's not doing it, he is only interested in a free meal, and I'm not just referring to actual food.
5. All Eyes On You
Are all his eyes on you? Or is he looking at the waitress, the floor or his phone?
If he is not making eye contact with you, then he's not that interested.
It's that simple.
6. Facebook Love
Are you guys friends on Facebook? Is he following you back?
Does he like (at least) some of the things you post?
If he's pretty silent on all social media fronts — and I know it might seem childish — he's trying to hide you.
Let's be honest: If he finds "I F*cking Love Science" posts to be more interesting and like-worthy than you, then it's not happening.
7. Livin' In The Future
Do you guys ever talk about this great burger joint you should try next time you see each other?
Or how you can't wait for the ski season to start so you can plan some chalet weekend getaways?
If so, you need to realize he's definitely not seeing or thinking about a future with you.
And if you think you do, you'll see you were oh-so-wrong as you ski down the slopes all by your lonesome.
8. You And Your Friends
Have you met Luis? Or Jake? Or even little Tony?
What about his roommates? Do you go straight to his room, or do you get introduced?
Just like with us women, meeting a man's friend is kind of a big deal.
It basically means you passed the hazing period and can now join the fraternity.
You are now his other half, and if he's really into you, then he wants the people closest to him to meet you.
But if you've only met his bed and the weird lava lamp by his bed stand, don't expect to meet any actual humans any time soon.
So if you're at that stage in your life when you want to settle down, get pregnant on purpose, wake up to the same person every day and get old with him, then leave the relationship you know won't go anywhere.
It'll save you the headache and heartbreak.