6 Ways To Deal With A Dry Spell Without Masturbating Into Oblivion
So, you're going through a dry spell?
You know when actors say, "This is the role I was born to play?" Well, for me, this is the article I was born to write.
Dry spells can be tough... very tough. I know from experience. I've had dry spells that have lasted so long, they would make Moses' 40 years in the desert look like a cakewalk.
Now, that may seem sacrilegious, but that's what dry spells do to you: They turn you into the worst version of yourself.
But have no fear: Dr. Reggie is going to help you out. Here are a few tips to make that dry spell a little less dry.
(And no, masturbation is not on the list.)
1. Get some exercise.
Exercise is something we should be doing for our health regardless. But when a dry spell hits, you have to let some of that energy out.
Hitting the gym is a great idea; you can let out that frustration in a constructive manner.
The best part about it? You get in shape AND you're exhausted afterward.
It's just like sex... without the sex.
2. Get some money.
It's time to make that paper! Making money is one of the best feelings in life.
During a dry spell, you should throw yourself into your work. Take all the overtime you can get: Become a workaholic.
If there's no overtime available, get your side hustle on. There are literally millions of odd jobs you can pick up to pass the time while you're not getting laid.
Look at it this way: With all that extra cash, you could buy yourself a new wardrobe... and maybe that will help you get laid.
3. Get going.
Take a trip somewhere... anywhere.
Even if it's just for a weekend, getting out of your element will do wonders for you during a dry spell. The trick is getting your mind off sex for an extended period of time.
Taking a trip does just that. And who knows? You might meet a nice guy or gal on your trip.
Boom, dry spell over.
4. Get philosophical.
There's something about enlightenment that has a way of, well… enlightening you.
Try this philosophical gem from Nietzsche on for size: “Hope in reality is the worst of all evils because it prolongs the torments of man."
Don't you feel smarter already? Read a few more quotes like that, and you'll be too depressed to have sex.
Problem solved.
5. Get dirty.
Now, this suggestion isn't for everybody. But sometimes, you just need to get that lovin' feeling back.
Maybe you can go dancing, visit a strip club or get a sensual massage. (The happy ending is up to you.)
Or maybe visit an escort. When I played high school baseball, my best friend used to bunt when he was in a slump. It was always that little bit of bat on ball contact that got him going again.
The same thing often works during a dry spell: You've lost your sexy, and you need to get it back.
6. Get spiritual.
When I was going through my own dry spell and porn problems, I visited a priest. Believe it or not, he gave me some sound advice.
He told me my problem wasn't with sex, it was with intimacy. When we hit a dry spell, so many of us turn to porn to fill the void. Father said that's because we are seeking an intimate partnership.
The thrill of sex isn't just the physical act. Most of the thrill of sex comes from the acknowledgment there's actually somebody who wants to do these things with you.
Father suggested I spend my time looking for someone I could develop a real emotional connection with. Once we get satisfied emotionally, the physical follows.
So find a priest, rabbi or new-age guru... anyone in the spiritual realm you could lean on for advice.
These are just a few things you could do to help you get through a dry spell. I know it's rough, but like all things, they come to an end.
So buckle up, use these tips and remember tomorrow is always a new day of possibilities.