Guys Reveal The Kinds Of Sex They'd Only Have With A Girl They Didn't Like
Is there a difference between the way a guy has sex with a girl he actually likes and the way he has sex with a girl he has literally no interest in?
Of course, there's just a certain way you act around someone you actually have feelings for, but I wanted more details.
For example, are there certain sex positions guys would just never do with a girl they actually saw as "girlfriend material?" I HAD TO KNOW.
I've done a lot of investigation into the non-sexual signs a guy isn't into you. But now, it's time to look into the sexual signs a guy isn't feeling you.
To get some insight, I started a Reddit thread asking men, "What kinds of sexual things would you only do with a girl you didn't actually like or see as "girlfriend material"?"
Of course, there were some kiss-up, nice guys, like this dude:
But for the most part, the guys were pretty honest.
Read along as guys tell the different kinds of sex they would only have with girls they didn't see as girlfriend material.
He won't have super rough sex with a girl he likes.
He'd care about more than just the sex with a girl he liked.
He'd never tag team a girl he actually liked.
He's not down for one-night stands with girls he likes (cause DUH).
A threesome with a girl he liked would "haunt" him.
Looks like we've got another guy who's NOT trying to have group sex with his BAE.
Bisexual threesomes are reserved only for girls this guy DGAF about.
Once again, we've got another dude who will not have group sex with a girl he actually likes.
He would never have sex in public with a girlfriend.
Porn-y sex is reserved only for the randos he doesn't care about.
Finally, let's hear it for threesomes AGAIN.
Obviously, every relationship is different and the fact that your hook-up buddy wants to have a threesome doesn't necessarily mean he's not into you.
But it's not bad to just keep these answers in the back of your mind.