This App Stops Your Ex From Using Your Sex Tape As Revenge Porn One Day
Because leaked nudes and revenge porn are such regular occurrences these days, one app hopes to eliminate the fear that comes with documenting private encounters.
Rumuki, a free app available in the iOS Apple store, is being trademarked as "the safest way to share your most intimate moments."
And yes, "rumuki" may sound like the noise you make when you gargle mouth wash, but it's actually the Japanese-English translation for the word "room key."
And with every key, you need a heavy-duty lock.
With Rumuki, users sign up sans email or social media account to keep up with the whole anonymity aspect, writes New York Magazine.
Then, they'll be able to self-encrypt any footage they film, whether it's a raunchy sex tape or your kid's piano recital — you know, because no one actually wants to see either of those.
Once the video is saved, it's locked away with two "keys" AKA a passcode on you and your partner's phones device, courtesy of the app. In fingerprint vault-esque fashion, nothing can be accessed again without the approval of both parties.
If one of you decides that the video is complete garbage and no longer needed, just toss your key away (by deleting the footage from your respective phone) and the video will be dead and buried forever.
While some apps tend to have shady terms and agreements that could potentially leak personal on the internet, Rumuki reassures its users that their content is "never stored on, or sent to our servers."
Consent is the name of the game here, guys, and any information collected only happens once user approval is made.
While Rumuki isn't exactly 100 percent foolproof (there's nothing that stops your partner from playing the videos once you've granted them key access), it sounds like a solid starting solution to prevent scorned lovers from flaunting all your private, NSFW images and videos.
Something like this could've come in handy for model Candice Collyer, who just recently dealt with her garbage fire of an ex tweeting images of her performing a sex act on him after a nasty breakup.
And she's not the only person who has found themselves in a similar scenario.
A study from the Center for Innovative Public Health Research says a shocking one in 25 Americans have been victimized by an act of revenge porn.
People are dicks, and flaunting around private footage and naked photos is way more common than you think. Rumuki may be just one app helping to prevent that, but hey, at least it's a start.
Citations: Encryption App Hopes It Can Keep Your Sex Tape From Becoming Revenge Porn (New York Magazine), 1 in 25 Americans Has Faced or Been Threatened With Revenge Porn, Study Finds (New York Magazine)