Make Sex Great Again: 5 Tips For Anyone In A 'Comfortable' Relationship
Your sex life: It has the power to make or break your relationship, instill confidence and increase your overall satisfaction in life.
Sex is big business because it's essential to life, and everyone is looking for ways to enjoy it just a little bit more. But sometimes we get a little out of touch with our sexual sides.
What do we do when that happens? How do we get back into the swing of things when we've gotten so comfortable in our long-term relationships, we forget how important physical connection is?
If you think your sex life needs a boost, here are five tips to help you boost you and your partner's confidence and get back in the saddle:
1. Practice Self-Love First
According to sex therapist and author of "Fearless Sex," Joy Davidson, PhD, women who feel good about their bodies have the best sex. If loving your own body is a struggle for you, there is a lot of work to be done in order to garner the self-love needed to improve things in the bedroom.
Start with exercise and a healthy diet so you feel you are being proactive in having a positive view of your body. Devise a plan to tell yourself positive affirmations every day, too, because as the saying goes, “nobody can love you until you love yourself.”
2. Talk About It
Communication is the key to most successful things in life, sex included. According to Men's Fitness, there are seven talks couples must have in order to have a healthy sex life.
Be open and honest about what turns you on, what makes you feel uncomfortable and the fantasies you are secretly keeping to yourself. And as always, you need to be transparent about your needs in order to have them met.
3. Dress The Part
Instead of just taking off your clothes, consider putting some on. The right attire can get you and your partner feeling excited and confident in the bedroom.
The options are endless. You can start off with something as simple as matching bra and underwear sets to playsuits, corsets and other lingerie.
If you want to take it a step further, try out some sexy costumes and fetish wear and be a nurse, a secretary, a librarian or a police officer for the night. Utilize the internet to help you find lingerie guides and even shop right from home if you feel uncomfortable physically going to a store.
4. Tap Into Your Emotions
A little emotional foreplay is just as important as physical foreplay. Those who feel an emotional connection will always have better sex.
In fact, with the hectic lifestyles most people lead, finding time to connect on a deeper, emotional level is actually more difficult than finding time for sex.
Neglecting the emotional connection actually tends to be the root of the problem when it comes to a sex life that is less than ideal, so make sure you and your partner are tending to your emotional connection when trying to revamp your sexual connection.
5. In With The New
Force yourself to do something new. It's easy to get lazy and complacent in your sex life when you have been with the same partner for a while.
Be determined to do something different every week in order to spice things up. Try having sex in new places in, around or outside of the home, or incorporate different positions and sex toys into the mix.
Just like you force yourself to exercise each week for the promise of positive end results, think about changing up your sex life in the same way.
Cosmo has come out with an app that dictates a new sex position each day. Use technology to improve your sex life. Because why not?