Why Men Who Have Had A Sexual 'Dry Spell' Are Better, As Told By A Guy
Conventional wisdom says: the more sex you have, the better off you are. Especially if you're a dude.
There are also scientific studies that say you're more healthy if you have more sex. Aside from that, society tells us we need to get as much as possible, especially if you're a man.
So it's no wonder that so many of us are eager to get as much off as possible.
Now, don't get me wrong. Sex is the dopest thing ever and the most natural human to human exchange there is.
Tupac Shakur even said “Revenge is the sweetest joy next to getting P***y”. You can interchange P***y with whatever you're into and understand where the late great legend was coming from. I'm not one for revenge, so sex might be the best worldly experience by far. You could say love, but I feel that's something spiritual. I digress, though.
As sweet as it is, there may be some reasons to pull back and abstain for a while.
Some guys might have no choice but to go “dry” for a while, because the stars just don't align. Others might just have so much going on that they don't have the time. Others still might have different reasons for why they aren't sexually active.
Whatever the reason, it's not all doom and gloom when you have a dry spell. I would know. I recently had one of pretty epic (by my standards at least) proportions.
I won't tell you how long it lasted, but I will tell you it was half by design and half by circumstance. I can also tell you I came out of it a better person.
Here are five ways things change in your favor after you've gone through a drought, so to speak.
1. Your sex drive increases. But your “thirst” levels go down.
Make no mistake. When you go without it, you want it. Even more than usual.
But at the same time, you know how it feels to go without. So what's one more week? Or month?
You're not as pressed for it, so it's a lot easier when dealing with women. You're less likely to come off aggressive and appear thirsty. Because you don't “need it”.
You're now able to go with the flow, and let whatever happen, happen. Smooth.
2. You become more confident.
This goes hand in hand with the last point.
You know you don't need SEX, so you're less afraid of the curve (rejection). You approach girls confidently because you know even if she curves you, life goes on.
Even if the next ten girls you approach aren't interested, life STILL goes on.
3. It becomes a lot of easier to focus on and pursue other things.
Sex is no longer at the forefront of your mind, now that you know you can live without it.
You have bigger fish to fry. Your grades go up. You focus more on building your business or advancing your career.
We can all use one less distraction in the age of distractions.
4. You save money.
Let's be real. Sex ain't free, because dating ain't free. But you don't need it. So you've saved 15% by committing to a dry spell.
None of us like to admit it, but pretty much all of us at some point have spent money when sex was the end goal. Whether it's buying that girl a drink at the bar or club only for her to spend the rest of the night ducking and dodging you. Or overspending on a date with a woman that you have no interest in beyond laying down with.
Once you've gone dry for a while, you're less likely to make such financial gaffes. You'll only spend the money when it's appropriate.
5. You become more disciplined and in control.
I think one of the reasons dudes end up looking like complete douchebags is because we let our desire for sex take complete control of our actions.
We think with the wrong head a lot of times.
But when you go without, you are able to take control. No longer should you feel the need to attempt to bag every hot thing that passes you by.
This new sense of calm allows you to actually approach women the right way and for the right reasons. Whatever those reasons may be.
Even if you are interested in her sexually, it's now easier to play your cards right and you're less likely to let your thirst takeover and fumble everything away.