15 Tweets About Having A Dry Spell That You'll Relate To On A Deep, Emotional Level
Once upon a time — long, long ago — you used to have sex. At this point, it feels like ages ago.
It feels like that dream you had as a child to become an actress or an astronaut. But, unfortunately, unlike your distant childhood dreams, you actually really did used to have sex. So you know exactly what you're missing out on.
And every day, you have to think about how much sex you're not having.
Yep, you guessed what's happening to you: You're going through a good, old fashioned DRY SPELL.
The thing with dry spells is that they can make us feel isolated. They have a way of making us feel like we're the only ones in the world lacking that physical touch and connection, and obviously that sense of loneliness doesn't make the whole dry spell thing any easier.
Well, the fact of the matter is there are PLENTY of people going through dry spells just as bad as yours.
Need some proof? Read through these people's tweets about their brutal dry spells.
Sex is just like riding a bike... right?!
I mean, is anyone even actually doing it?
Even dating apps aren't doing the trick for him.
Desperate times, man. Desperate times.
At least he has a new way to sympathize with his favorite team.
LOL, "on the vagina front."
Stop rubbing it in, mom!
Even her dentist is rubbing it in.
Honestly, this is poetic.
This is a woman who knows what she needs.
He's tried out a different kind of dry January.
It's not her fault she's so SEXUAL.
When school is even rubbing it in your face.
At least she has funny memes to keep her warm.
Easy fix to your dry spell? Find someone else also going through a dry spell and boink each other!