Tayshia And Zac’s Body Language At The NYC Marathon Was So Encouraging
Clarky and the (marathon) Queen
I’ll be honest with you: Tayshia Adams and Zac Clark can pretty much do no wrong in my eyes. When I found out they were running the Nov. 7 New York City Marathon together, I was prepared to love them even more. But honestly, nothing could have prepared me for Adams and Clark’s body language at the marathon’s finish line. The photos are almost too sweet for words — and their body language speaks to the strength of their relationship. Not to mention, the strength of their legs. That 26.2 mile course is no joke!
According to Traci Brown, body language expert and author of Persuasion Point: Body Language and Speech for Influence, their body language points to the duo being good together. “They’re a good couple,” she tells Elite Daily. And they seem like true partners — evidenced by the fact that they finished the race together. “They’re trying to [move] together as a unit,” Brown adds.
Patti Wood, a body language expert and author of Snap: Making the Most of First Impressions, Body Language, and Charismasa, agrees, explaining that Adams and Clark’s marathon photos are full of signs of teamwork and “mutual joy.”
Clark Supported Adams Through The Finish Line
Clark made one thing about his NYC Marathon run very clear: he was going to be focusing on Adams throughout the race. “My commitment to her is that we are going to run together and get her across the finish line,” he told People on Nov. 6. “That's really my focus.” And that intention was clear in his body language at the end of the race.
Brown explains, “He’s really invested in her finishing. He’s kind of guiding her over the finish.” And according to Wood, Adams seems to be loving his focus. She adds, “Adams is buoyant in her smile — very broad, very open, very large. She’s just captured by him [and his hug] in that moment, and it’s making her really happy.”
They Stayed In Sync
If there’s any time you could excuse some less-than romantic body language, it would be after a grueling marathon. But Adams and Clark’s body language at the end of the race remained “lovely” and “wonderful,” per Wood.
“Their feet and all the way up the leg to the knee are in alignment,” she explains, which is “unusual” but very special. Wood adds, “He’s [matching] her energy cause he’s focusing and tilting his body towards her to kind of carry her through the moment.”
And they’re openly holding onto each other in this picture. “If you look at her arm, she’s doing a nice symbolic reach over her body towards him,” Wood explains. She also points out Clark’s warm smile and “the way that he is holding her and going back towards her to be present and enjoy this with her.” Zayshia forever.
Even earlier in the race, Clark made sure to stay with Adams — encouraging her throughout the marathon. In one video, he even runs ahead so he can face her directly and give her a kiss of good luck. “He’s kind of shepherding her along there,” Brown explains. And again, it’s clear that he’s “really invested” in her marathon success
They’re “Sexually Connected”
Getting through a marathon together implies a certain degree of emotional support and connection, but that’s not the only thing evident in these pictures. Adams and Clark’s “mutual joy” and “mutual touch” also speaks to their sexual compatibility.
Wood explains, “He has his arm there at just above her waist. She has her hand nicely resting on his chest, and he’s pulling back to look down at her. Even his chest is a little bit back to look down and enjoy her.” Those multiple points of physical connection is indicative of their chemistry as a couple.
Plus, Wood adds, “Their pelvises are close toward each other, which just shows that they’re sexually connected.”
If Clarky and the Queen weren’t already your definition of couple goals, their body language at the NYC Marathon is proof that it’s time to re-evaluate. BRB, I need to get started on my “Tayshia + Zac ❤️” sign for next year’s marathon.