The Fatal Attraction To Bad Boys
We all have that friend, the one who cries incessantly about her no-good boyfriend and yet can’t seem to let go of him. In fact, you probably have been guilty yourself of dating someone who treated you way worse than you deserved, but you wouldn’t call it quits because of his bad boy sex appeal. This leads to the age-old question: why do girls insist on dating bad boys and then act surprised when they treat them like sh*t?
The answer to this question can be divided in two: first, safe is no fun. Second, it is all a matter of ego. Let me elaborate more on both.
Bad boys are risk takers; they keep you on your toes. They are unpredictable, and let's face it, it's really excited to be with someone who will always surprise you with his next move. There is no excitement in a guy who treats you like a princess. You expect good behavior all the time and then it just becomes routine and, well, boring.
We tend to appreciate things we have to work hard for a lot more than we appreciate things that come easily to us. Bad boys are always a challenge and we thrive in our conquest of pinning them down. Everyday with him just feels like a huge gamble, which is why the latter rewards feel so good.
Girls like to talk and girls like drama. If we didn’t date bad boys then we would have no drama to talk about when we go out for drinks with our friends, simple as that. Also, you are more likely to question the success of your relationship if everything is going right than if there is a little drama here and there.
Because of their bad boy nature, these dudes are always willing to go the extra mile for the girl they love. Dating is a game and the bad boy will go all-in to play it, with extra wit and better pick up lines than any nice guy. Movies have taught us to glorify bad boys, and let's face it, everyone wants a relationship like the ones they see in the movies.
But the sexiest thing about a bad boy is the possibility of changing him into the man we wish he were. Yeah your mom always told you that you should never have to change anyone to be with him, but our egos are trained to thing otherwise. Every girl wants to say that she is the girl who tamed the bad boy. She wants the right to brag about the fact that she was the one who “changed him,” It's all a matter of ego.
However, never make the mistake of confusing masochism with an attraction to bad boys. Believing you are not worthy of being treated better than the bad boy treats you, or thinking that’s the way you are meant to be treated is a whole different animal than having an attraction to bad boys.
And for those girls who cant break their bad boy habit, always remember that the exact things that make the bad boy sexy are what in the long run will make him a really bad boyfriend.
Adriana Herdan | Elite.