Women Reveal The Crazy Ways They Plan To Spy On Their Fiancés’ Bachelor Parties
As much as you convince yourself you don't care about your guy's bachelor party, it's no lie that in the back of your mind, you're probably suspicious about where he's really going to go or the kinds of things his friends will get him into.
He may pinky promise you he won't be heading to a strip club because he know it'll make you mad, but there's no clearcut way to know if his face will actually be eye-level with a leopard print thong that doesn't belong to you.
Some women just aren't cool with sitting at home, waiting and wondering what their guy is up to. So instead, they plan to take action and see for themselves.
Check out what these six women say they are going to do to spy on their fiancé at his bachelor party:
1. FaceTime him
I agreed to give one of his groomsmen a free month at the gym I work at if he promised to FaceTime once an hour at the bachelor party. When I first asked, he said no way and that I was being dumb. But then, when I mentioned a free gym membership, he warmed up to the idea. He says he feels like he's selling out on his friend, but he doesn't think it's too much of a wrong thing to do.
— Sarah C., 25
2. Show up
My fiancé is having his bachelor party at the town over from where we live. They have a strip of bars there. It's only a 30-minute drive, and a few friends of mine promised to come with me. We're going to casually show up and stand far away from them at bars to see what they are doing. I don't think he'll notice I'm there because the bars get so packed, and I'm bringing friends he doesn't remember meeting.
— Claire T., 28
3. Send a guy from work
A guy I work with is going to be in Vegas the same weekend as my fiancé. I asked my fiancé for his weekend itinerary, so I know what clubs and pool parties he'll be at. The guy from work agreed to go and spy for me. He gets why I want him to do this, and he has no problem doing it. I did give him $100 in cash as a thank you, so he has gambling money!
— Lexi V., 26
4. Send distant friends
My plan right now is to send some of my friends from grad school that my fiancé hasn't met. He says his bachelor party will consist of a nice dinner at this steakhouse nearby, and then, they'll head to just one bar. I'm sending my friends to the bar to see if the guys ever show up or if they really go to a strip club.
— Rachel A., 31
5. Wear a disguise
I'm going to get a wig and big glasses and show up in a disguise. His bachelor party is in Atlantic City, which is an hour drive away. I'm going to book a room at the same hotel and just casually follow them around. He'll never know. I'm doing this because I 100 percent do not trust him.
— Wendy F., 34
6. Track his phone
Secretly, before he leaves, I'm going to add him on the "Find a Friend" app on the iPhone and track his every move. He won't know I did this, and when he comes back, I'll steal his phone and delete it. I just want to see if everything he tells me he is doing adds up.
— Tia B., 29