3 Zodiac Signs Least Compatible With Virgo, So Swipe Left
Analytical Virgos needs a match who can keep up.
It takes a special kind of person to get along with a Virgo, and as someone who's had Virgo BFFs and crushes, I throw no shade in saying so. (OK, maybe a little.) Folks born under this zodiac sign (Virgo season runs from Aug. 23 to Sept. 23) are intense, hard-working perfectionists. They're all about their business, which can mean two things: They have a super-low tolerance for impracticality, and it can be hard for them to open up. That said, not everyone makes a compatible match for this sign, and those zodiac signs who aren’t compatible with Virgos butt heads with them because their approaches to life are just too different.
Of course, nothing is impossible when it comes to sex and love, especially when you throw astrology into the mix. Technically, Virgo’s least compatible signs can still make romance work. Incompatible sun signs may be the most “traditional” signs to analyze, but you can learn even more (and probably find more signs of compatibility) by analyzing your and your partner’s birth charts. That way, you can compare the compatibility of your Venus signs (which are your love signs) and your Mars signs (your sex signs).
With that in mind, here are the three zodiac signs who don't need to read a Virgo horoscope to know they’d be the least compatible with them.
01Cancer (June 21 — July 22)
By nature, Virgo is very detail-oriented and constantly strives to be better. On one hand, that can make them discerning and give them an excellent B.S. radar. On the other hand, Virgo can come off as nit-picky, and that's absolutely the last thing that a sweet Cancer (who's just doing their best!) needs in a relationship.
In addition to being a water sign — who tend to be feelers, rather than thinkers — Cancer is ruled by the moon, the heavenly body associated with emotion. This means Cancer needs a partner who can attend to their emotional needs, which is something practical earth sign Virgo — who often associates big feelings with melodrama — can struggle with.
What's more, as astrologer Elaine Dawn points out in her book Love Signs: Your Perfect Match is in the Stars, both Virgo and Cancer love to overthink. "Virgo gets caught up in minutiae, turning every situation over into a worst-case scenario. Similarly, sensitive Cancer pays attention to subtle shifts in energy, noting even the smallest changes in body language or verbal intonation," Dawn wrote. "On a bad day, Virgo and Cancer will feed each other's anxieties, inciting even more fear and paranoia." And that presents a new, different problem: As a water sign, Cancer will focus on the emotional aspect of the conflict, and as an earth sign, Virgo will focus on the facts.
On another note, Virgo tends to be a bit kinky in bed (and there's data to prove it). Sexually speaking, Virgo's tastes might be a huge departure from Cancer's affinity for softness, tenderness, and cuddling. A Virgo-Cancer couple would definitely have to do some adjusting to make it all work.
02Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22)
Virgo and Leo aren't always compatible, but for a totally different reason than Virgo's incompatibility with Cancer. They're both hard-headed signs and staunchly set in their ways. "Virgo baffles Leo," Dawn explained. "This fire sign simply does not understand why Virgo is so risk-averse." Likewise, Leo is constantly trying to turn up, whereas Virgo is all about putting in work.
This can also cause financial strife in the relationship, because as the AstroTwins, Ophira and Tali Edut, wrote on their site Astrostyle, “Leo’s supersized ambitions can activate budget-conscious Virgo’s anxieties.” Ultimately Leo prefers to live in the present, whereas Virgo keeps their sights placed firmly on the future.
In practice, if a Leo-Virgo couple worked hard, Leo's fiery nature could bring out the fun in Virgo. And as an earth sign, Virgo could make Leo a little more grounded. Of course, getting a kinky Virgo and a passionate Leo in bed together would make for a fun sexual dynamic, but still, Virgo and Leo have disparate approaches to life. "Due to this dissonance, it's not always easy to navigate a Virgo-Leo bond," Dawn wrote.
03Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
Last but not least, Virgo might want to stay away from Sagittarius. Sure, they're both witty signs and would probably have flirty banter for days, but their approaches to the world (and particularly, relationships) are incompatible. As Dawn put it, "Virgo loves to label and organize, and wildfire Sagittarius hates to feel contained." Again, Virgo is meticulous on a good day, but finicky on a bad one. A free-spirited, adventurous Sagittarius would probably feel like their Virgo partner is ruining the vibe.
Reliable Virgo might also struggle with Sagittarius’ unpredictable nature, astrologer Wayne Gonzalez previously told Bustle. "Unfortunately, the free-spirited nature of Sagittarius tends to make them wander off a lot, literally or figuratively," Gonzalez said. "Sagittarius can annoy Virgo because they're often more interested in the trip to finding the truth, rather than getting to the truth."
"Virgo perceives Sagittarius' behavior as reckless, growing increasingly frustrated by [their] cavalier attitude," Dawn wrote. Again, Virgo and Sagittarius could bring something exciting and new to the table for the other person. But, on paper, these two couldn't be a less likely pair.
If you and your partner are a Virgo-Cancer, Virgo-Leo, or Virgo-Sagittarius couple, don't stress. There’s probably still plenty of compatibility in the rest of your birth charts to make the relationship work, or to keep it working. But the next time you're arguing about vacation planning, feelings, life goals, or any other situation where you butt heads, consider keeping these tidbits about your astrological compatibility in mind.
Experts cited:
Elaine Dawn, astrologer
Wayne Gonzalez, astrologer
Ophira and Tali Edut, astrologers
This article was originally published on