
Donald Trump Jr.’s ‘Hannity’ Interview Spent So Much Time On Hillary Clinton

by Lilli Petersen
Paul Zimmerman/Getty Images

Donald Trump Jr's interview with Sean Hannity on Tuesday night, in which he attempted valiantly to do damage control for reports that he had met with a Russian lawyer who offered him Kremlin-obtained dirt on 2016 presidential opponent Hillary Clinton, was a nice, easy stroll through the park for the pair.

In the interview, Hannity said that he was going to ask Trump Jr. “every question he could think of” about his meeting with Russian lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya. So imagine the surprise when Hannity spent a sizable portion of his show and interview discussing Hillary Clinton.

From more than half of his opening monologue, which ran for a good nine minutes, to a mid-interview interlude in which he discussed accusations of attempted Ukranian collusion with the DNC, uranium deals, and of course Clinton's email scandal, a notable portion of the show was dedicated to Donald Trump's one-time political opponent.

There have been crimes committed in this country. I would argue Hillary Clinton destroying emails, mishandling, destroying them. I would argue Hillary Clinton, the Uranium One deal and $100 million-plus came back to her. Comey. We know it's classified information… Loretta Lynch's meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac.

By comparison, the question Hannity posed to Trump Jr. after the litany of accusations against Clinton was humanizing — how does the Trump family feel about critical coverage of the president and his affairs.

Hannity also spent much of his time berating the media — which he does not seem to consider himself a part of, despite hosting a TV show on a major network — for not covering what he deemed underreported stories.

On Twitter, the number of times Clinton was mentioned in an interview on an unrelated subject did not go unnoticed.

It's reasonably unsurprising, considering how obsessed Trump Jr's father, President Donald Trump, continues to be with rehashing his victory over Clinton.

It seems like the more he's questioned about Russian connections and the legitimacy of his win, the more he and his team want to tear down Clinton (despite the fact she hasn't been his opponent for eight months).

By contrast, the interview with Trump Jr. about his ostensible reason for being there — y'know, those emails that may/may not implicate the Trump campaign in collusion with Russia to swing the 2016 election — was so gentle it was like a televised sponge bath, with few difficult questions, obvious evasions, and sparse follow-ups.

Looks like Hannity saved his hard-hitting efforts for the real target of the evening.