10 Reasons 'The Daily Show' Won't Be The Same Without Jon Stewart
On Tuesday’s taping of the satirical comedy, “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart,” Stewart announced he would be leaving the show later this year.
For those who get their daily digs and brief news coverage from the show like myself, I’m planning a eulogy as we speak.
For those who haven’t even watched a single episode, I suggest you head to Hulu right now, where you can watch 16 full episodes of the award-winning comedy series for free.
Otherwise, this list should do the trick:
He was brutally honest
Over the course of 16 years, he somehow managed to question actors, writers, reporters philanthropists, politicians, government officials, musicians and so forth, while still keeping a clear stance on his own beliefs. It was amazing to watch.
At the end of the day, his message is brutally honest and effectively delivered with large cup of dignity and a side of humor.
He had a high-profile fan base
Many high-profile guests like Angelina Jolie and the POTUS have both said they avidly watch the show at night.
He wasn’t afraid to talk about touchy subjects
Political scandals, racism and prejudice, and terrorism – no subject was off limits. It's what gave the show edge.
Almost every day you hear about horrible things in the news and you immediately know Stewart and his band of correspondents will have it covered.
He influenced US politics
Stewart and his fellow correspondents cover stories and issues happening all over the world. He calls it how he sees it in a manner that has even influenced the way we see many government officials and politicians.
For example, he covered Rob Ford and Michael Grimm many times, and each time made us realized how screwed up politics really are.
He largely contributed to current comedians success
As an avid “Daily Show” viewer, I’m not sure if most people know the few comedians who got their start on “The Daily Show.”
If you look back to the early episodes, you’ll find out that Steve Carell, Stephen Colbert, Jessica Williams, Larry Wilmore and John Oliver were all once “The Daily Show” correspondents (and they were really funny, too).
He kept us informed, especially our generation
It’s no secret news organizations have ultimately lost touch with reality. Subjectivity and objectivity have somehow gotten lost, and we’ve found ourselves going to “The Daily Show” for most of our information.
Although Stewart has stated many times he doesn’t think of his show as a place to get news, I know our generation certainly does.
He said what most of us were thinking
I can’t recall how many times I watched “The Daily Show” from my small New York apartment and thought, “Wow, he couldn’t have said it better.”
I can honestly say his wisdom and wit were consistently on point and at best, clarified the most complicated and sometimes ridiculous discussions.
His CNN and FOX rants
If you don't watch the show, you probably have no idea what I'm talking about, but the bits where "The Daily Show" calls out news stations are utterly hilarious.
Watching the show gives you a better perspective of how absurd the media can be.
You can see what I mean here.
His accomplishments
Sixteen years, 20 seasons, 2,597 episodes and 20 Emmy Awards later, we are left knowing the end is near, but in the past decade, we've consistently been satisfied with what Stewart has produced, and we greatly appreciate his work.
Jon Stewart for President 2016
I don't know about you, but I think we should get a Kickstarter going.