5 Reasons Why Joan Harris Of 'Mad Men' Is Our Favorite Bad B*tch
(Warning: This article contains spoilers of Episode 708, 'Severance.')
The final season return of "Mad Men" aired this past Sunday, and already, we’re reminded of why our favorite partner of Sterling Cooper & Partners is the baddest bitch in town.
Joan Harris (played by Christina Hendricks) is constantly struggling and fighting for the equality and respect she deserves during a time period of female oppression.
Yet, through all of this, Joan manages to give the audience the perfect balance of class, poise, beauty and emotion.
She is more than a pretty face and an incredible figure; she is a woman.
If this first episode is any indication of the battles Ms. Harris will face this season, "Mad Men" will surely keep us on our toes for the next six weeks.
But, we all know Joan is always up for a fight -- here are five reasons she is our favorite bad bitch of "Mad Men."
1. She’s got killer style.
In every season of "Mad Men," we’ve been graced with the presence of Joan’s effortless style.
In the 60s, a time of cringeworthy polyester and bold prints, Joan never fails to give us ensembles that not only display who she is as a woman (those fearless curves!), but also remind us she wants to be on top of the advertising world.
Her edgy dress patterns, high-waisted pencil skirts and fabulous neck kerchiefs are just some of the ways Joan can always spice up the work day.
She is regarded by others in the office as a sex symbol, but her attire is always classy.
2. She’s driven.
Remember when Joan was merely the head secretary at Sterling Cooper?
Throughout the series, we’ve seen her climb her way from secretary to partner, becoming a powerful businesswoman along the way.
Joan has struggled with the desire to be a wife and a mother while also wanting to rise through the ranks of New York's finest ad agency. In the 60s, this was virtually unheard of. Yet, Joan is constantly surprising us with her class, grace and drive.
3. She’s not afraid to go head-to-head with the boys.
In each season, we’ve seen Ms. Harris go through ups and downs with the men of the office.
When Joan finally demands to become a partner of Sterling Cooper & Partners with an offer they can't refuse, her drive and determination are clear.
Although it was completely heartbreaking when Joan had to exploit her sexuality during her meeting with the Jaguar representative, we see a woman who knows how to grab the attention of her fellow partners and get exactly what she wants.
Joan has and always will be the woman in the office making the sacrifices for the company the men would never dream of making.
4. She’s smart and sexy.
Even in today’s world, women find it difficult to find the right balance of the “smart girl” and “sexy woman.”
Joan knows better than anyone how to flirt with the fine line between the sexy woman in the office who isn’t taken seriously and the smart girl in the boardroom who is making demands and shrewd decisions.
Joan knows when to pick her battles, and she picks them well.
5. She has never let the fact that she is a woman deter her ambitions.
During this particular episode, we watch an awful meeting between Joan, Peggy and three misogynistic men from McCann-Erickson.
The men spend the entire meeting making sexual innuendos aimed specifically toward Ms. Harris. Although she is not quick to retaliate, we can see the disgust building on Joan's face throughout the meeting.
She refuses to let these men continue to exhibit power over her, and without acknowledging their behavior, Joan uses her knowledge of the business to snap back at them.
We later see Joan in the elevator with Peggy saying she wants to “burn this place down.”
Could this be foreshadowing that Joan is going to end up HBIC at Sterling Cooper & Partners? I sure hope so!
Cheers to you, Joan Harris! You are truly the baddest bitch in my book!