Alex Byrd explained what happened in her unaired 'Love Is Blind' fight with Tim Godbee.

Love Is Blind’s Alex Says Tim “Totally Exaggerated” That Breakup Fight

“I still don’t know where that hate came from.”

by Dylan Kickham

Alex Byrd was just as surprised as Love Is Blind viewers when Tim Godbee suddenly dumped her. “I had no idea that was going to happen,” she says. “We actually had plans to go out that night. When I walked into a breakup, I was taken aback because the whole conversation we had that day didn’t give off breakup.”

For both viewers, there’s a lot more confusion when it comes to Alex and Tim’s short-lived engagement. Their trip to Mexico took a grim turn when the couple got into a heated argument. But strangely, Love Is Blind never aired the fight, nor did Alex or Tim really shine a light on what it was about. Now, the 33-year-old fashion producer reveals that the inciting incident was that she wanted some alone time, while Tim wanted to spend more time together.

“I was just trying to wind down, decompress, and wanted some space. And unfortunately, we had two different understandings of what that looks like,” Alex says. “He wanted to know more of what was going on, and I didn’t want to answer any questions until the next day. I just wanted to go to bed.”

Tim seemed particularly upset that Alex put her hand over his mouth during the fight. She says she did that so others in the resort wouldn’t hear their screaming match. “The hand-over-the-mouth situation was me trying to de-escalate so we didn’t have any outsiders drawn into the tension that was happening between us,” Alex says.


They worked through that first spat, but when Alex took a nap shortly after meeting Tim’s parents, it was a breakup-worthy offense to Tim. Alex still doesn’t understand why a bit of beauty rest caused her former fiancé to call off their whole relationship.

“I think it was totally exaggerated,” Alex says. “He liked taking naps, too. That was our thing. We loved taking naps. We would even have nap dates. So for him to end it over a nap, I was like, ‘What?’”

I would never end a relationship over a nap or a text.

Tim was also critical of Alex for not responding to his texts quickly, which she found puzzling. “It kind of felt like an excuse. It didn’t really make sense,” Alex says. “I would never end a relationship over a nap or a text. I would understand more if it was we are just not on the same page or we are just not as compatible. That would’ve been a more understandable reason — not a nap.”

Alex was also thrown off by Tim telling her he never wanted to see her again. “It was intense, and it was definitely shocking because I would never say that to someone unless I truly hated them,” Alex says. “It felt like he had a lot of hate for me, and I didn’t know where that hate came from. I still don’t know where that hate came from.”


Alex has not spoken with Tim since the breakup. And the sudden split hasn’t only affected her but her father as well. Just a couple days earlier, Tim and Alex’s father had a heartwarming conversation in which he asked for Alex’s hand in marriage.

“My dad has been waiting for that moment and to give me away, and then just two days later, I have to call and be like, ‘Hey, just kidding. That’s actually not happening.’ It was devastating,” Alex says. “My dad is still not over that to this day. I just wish the breakup would’ve happened before getting families involved.”