Anne Hathaway Deleted This Post About The Kardashians After Fans Freaked Out
You know whose stock is not plummeting anytime soon? The Kardashians'.
I've said it once, and I'll say it again: Aside from the Obamas, the Kardashians are the most important family in America. Through their various products, shows and insane spending sprees, they put food on the table for thousands of people and give us all breaks from the terrible realities we face daily.
You know whose stock IS plummeting? Anne Hathaway's. I think we all see that. I actually think we've all seen that for a while. At one point, she was billed as the next Julia Roberts, and now she would be lucky to star in “Julia: The Julia Roberts Story” on Lifetime (a movie I guarantee will happen at some point).
All that being said, why did you think it was OK to post this to your Instagram, Anne?!?!
Let's talk all about the last three things you did:
“The Intern” (2015) - You complained about how successful you were to Robert DeNiro for an hour and a half. “Interstellar” (2014) - You complained about how your boyfriend was on one far planet to Matthew McConaughey for two and a half hours. “Les Misérables” (2012) - You complained about life in general while yelling the word “STRIDE” to no one in particular for like four hours.
You've made a career out of complaining about the world.
The world doesn't need fewer Kardashians and more Helena Bonham Carters (and this is nothing against Helena. God bless that quirky unicorn).
The world needs fewer Anne Hathaways and more Khloé Kardashians.
Thankfully, Anne deleted her original Instagram and offered this small, pastel olive branch in its place.
She captioned the post,
It never occurred to me I was pitting anyone against each other. Not my style. Peace x
Meh, not buying it, Anne. Get off your high horse. Also, why is that horse wearing flower print suit pants?
Citations: Unintended shade thrown Anne Hathaway deletes Instagram post that urged fans to be like Helena Bonham Carter in a world of Kardashians (Daily Mail)