Aziz Ansari's Post About His Parents Will Make You Cry All The Tears
If you haven't watched Aziz Ansari's new show on Netflix, "Master of None," you are truly missing out.
The comedy, created by and featuring Aziz, brings the realness in each episode. From condom nightmares to bad job interviews, the comedian makes every pitfall of life somehow hilarious.
In one episode titled, "Parents," Aziz also paints a very real picture of what it's like not only to be someone's kid but also a first-generation kid.
The episode stars Aziz's real parents, Shoukath and Fatima, who are downright adorable. It will make you laugh, possibly cry and most certainly make you want to call your folks.
And, if "Parents" isn't enough to make you pick up the phone and dial home, Aziz's heartfelt Facebook post about his mom and dad surely will.
My dad took off most of his vacation time for the year to act in Master of None. So I'm really relieved this all worked... Posted by Aziz Ansari on Wednesday, November 11, 2015
In the post, the comedian reflects on everything his parents have done for him and how terrible he feels for not acknowledging it until now.
Everyone should heed Aziz's advice: If your parents are good to you, do something nice for them in return.