6 Things To Know About ‘Bachelorette’ Contestant Will
Bachelor Nation has been blessed with back-to-back nights of action this week on The Bachelorette.
Going into Tuesday night's episode, there are only 12 guys left: Bryan, Dean, Eric, Peter, Adam, Matt, Alex, Josiah, Anthony, Kenny, Lee, and Will.
Will won the group date rose on Monday night's episode, which honestly kind of shocked everyone seeing as Rachel and Peter made out in the hot tub for most of the night.
Rachel really did seem genuinely impressed by Will's handball skills, though, so apparently she has a thing for athletes.
I guess it's time to get to know Will Gaskins. Besides being good at handball, here's what you need to know about the 28-year-old:
1. He Played Basketball In College
It's no wonder Will was so good at handball -- he played basketball at Ithaca College, where, according to his LinkedIn, he majored in politics.
2. He Lives In Miami
According to his Instagram, Will moved to Florida in 2015, but it looks like he still has lots of friends and family in New York.
3. He's From A Military Family
On his LinkedIn profile, Will writes,
I grew up in a Military household so the tenents of hard work and determination were engrained into me early and often throughout my life. This carried over from home life, to school, to sports and my everyday interactions with people.
4. He Can Cook
He often posts photos of his dinner to his Instagram page.
5. He's Got A Sense Of Humor
We first met Will when he exited the limo on night one as Steve Urkel. So we know he can make Rachel laugh, and we also know he's a true '90s kid at heart.
6. He's Team DeMario
After everything that happened with Bachelor in Paradise, Will couldn't keep quiet about the situation involving DeMario Jackson, who was also on this season of The Bachelorette, and Corinne Olympios. In a lengthy Instagram post, Will made it clear he stands behind his fellow contestant, writing,
None of you got to know or see Demario the way that those of us in the house did; if you had you would know that he is one of the most straight forward and caring ppl you could ever care to know. Those first few days he went out of his way to get to know everyone, take time to make sure that some of the guys who may have been having a hard time dealing with the stresses of the day to day of being on the show felt comfortable and at ease. Nobody got a chance to see that side of D, yes he's loud, yes he's a little obnoxious, and yea he should have clearly broken things off with that other woman before pursuing Rachel. but to those who know him he's also the guy you can call when you are in need and he will be there for you to listen, give advice or just make you laugh and crack a smile. I hope that in the coming days, hours and months that he will continue to be vindicated of any wrongdoing and his name will no longer be associated with such a despicable act. Rant over..... for now #freedemario
Time will tell if Will can win over Rachel's heart, but at the very least, he seems to have enjoyed his time on the show and made friends with the other contestants.