11 Blake Lively Hairstyles That Are Perfect For Your Next Festival Look
Look, Blake Lively has great hair. Her first big film role in "The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants" was probably due to her hair.
Even Selena Gomez has admitted she's jealous of Blake's luscious locks.
Some might argue that 98 percent of Blake Lively's entire persona comes from her hair.
I mean, could you imagine if Blake Lively shaved her head? You'd be like, "Wait, who is that? Oh, it's Blake Lively without hair? No thanks."
... Or something like that.
My point is, the girl knows her way around a head of hair.
So, if you're looking for some hair inspiration – hairspiration? Is that a thing people say? – for this summer's festival season, Blake Lively is definitely the one to stalk on Instagram.
But in case you don't have the time to scroll so much, I've done the Insta-stalking for you.
Now, if you're looking for someone to tell you HOW to do these hairstyles, I'm afraid you're going to be disappointed. To be honest, you'd probably need a lot of money and a team of hairstylists to get the same looks. So, um, good luck!
Here are some options for ya:
1. This crazy twisty braid thingie that looks like a gnarly tree branch...
2. Or this simple messy, wavy – yet somehow still perfect – hairstyle.
3. A large, low hanging bun...
4. Or some soft, gentle curls.
5. A different, slightly less complex (but overall still dope-looking) braid, like this one Blake gave her niece.
6. Straight, sleek and shiny, aka Blake's even perfect-er than usual hair in this L'Oréal commercial shoot.
7. A messy bun with a snazzy, bedazzled hair clip.
8. Blake's curls, inspired by "Teen Witch."
9. The high, wide ponytail look.
10. The regular ol' run-of-the-mill ponytail look.
11. And finally, the hair-still-looking-perfect-even-while-spitting-out-oatmeal look.
Honestly, these all look really cool. But they seem like WAY too much work if you don't have a team of stylists like Blake does.
I suggest you all just shave your heads and enjoy the festival music and food instead.