Britney Revealed She Has Complicated Feelings About Her Conservatorship Ending
"I'm very happy but there's a lot of things that scare me."
The #FreeBritney movement is so close to a positive conclusion, and Britney Spears herself is reflecting on what her new life might look like. Although Spears has endured a years-long legal battle to end her conservatorship, the celeb is shocked the end is finally on the horizon, and frankly, she’s a little nervous. On Friday, Oct. 15, the singer posted a photo of a Christmas tree and got so honest about her mixed emotions. The star’s latest update on the matter has a lot to unpack, and you’ll want to read Britney Spears’ Instagram about her conservatorship ending to share in her joys and anxieties.
Spears’ Instagram post began by addressing how close she is to freedom from the conservatorship she has been under since 2008. Referencing the Christmas tree in the photo, the celeb explained why she’s put one up in mid-October. “I’m celebrating Christmas way early this year … because why not ???!!! I believe any reason to find more joy in life is a good idea,” Spears wrote, revealing that she feels stressed amid the ongoing legal battle. “I’ll just be honest and say I’ve waited so long to be free from the situation I’m in … and now that it’s here, I’m scared to do anything because I’m afraid I’ll make a mistake,” Spears continued.
She added that her years of hard work attempting to prove she could live without a conservatorship were draining and disappointing. “For so many years, I was always told if I succeeded at things, it could end … and it never did !!!”
Despite the difficulties, she’s finally about to get what she wants. “I worked so hard, but now that it’s here and getting closer and closer to ending, I’m very happy, but there’s a lot of things that scare me,” the singer admitted.
Spears’ father, Jamie Spears, was suspended as conservator of her estate on Sept. 29 by the Los Angeles court. Meanwhile, conservatorship has been temporarily granted to accountant John Zabel, who will hold the position through the end of 2021. In early September, Jamie Spears also filed a formal request to terminate the conservatorship, and Spears’ next hearing will help determine the next steps.
You can see Spears’ full Instagram post below.
Spears Instagram also discussed her fear of doing anything “wrong” once the conservatorship ends, revealing she may take a step back from social media. “I’m fearful of doing something wrong ... so I won’t be posting as much in a world where it’s our liberty to be free,” Spears wrote.
The singer added that she had her first taste of freedom after getting the keys to her car back earlier this year. “I started experiencing that when I got the keys to my car for the first time four months ago, and it’s been 13 years !!!!”
Spears also touched on the reportedly abusive conservatorship under her father. “I haven’t done anything to be treated the way I have for the past 13 years !!! I’m disgusted with the system,” she wrote. She went on to warn her family that she could easily expose a lot of potentially unsavory information about them: “Lord have mercy on my family’s souls if I ever do an interview.”
As Spears awaits her next hearing, which is scheduled for Nov. 12, it’s clear she’s taking everything in her stride while her fate remains in the hands of the legal system.