10 Hot Actors Who Don't Need No-Shave November To Pull Off A Beard
Growing a beard is no easy feat. While some men are capable of rocking the Wolverine look on a daily basis, others are forced to suffer with serious baby face or enough spotty patches to leave them looking like they were victimized by a lawn mower.
As 2016 comes to a close, we've come to the month where all this facial hair is put on blast: November.
Within these festive 30 days, guys across the globe do their best to avoid the itch in order to celebrate No Shave November, a time when buzzers are safely stored away to raise awareness for different cancers that are most common among males, such as prostate cancer.
Even though this annual occasion may call for an increase in the scruff, some dudes actually prefer to have this look all the time — simply because they can.
The art of a good beard has been a rising trend for some time now, turning both average Joes and your favorite Hollywood beaus into the most rugged, manly men you can't help but want to curl up next to and rub your face against.
Behold, 10 actors who don't need No-Shave November to pull off that suave face of scruff:
1. Chris Evans ("Captain America")
Aside from being the perfect guy to take home to mom and dad, he's a patriotic-suit-wearing superhero to boot.
Though he doesn't sport the scruff while playing Steve Rogers, I have no issue waiting for Chris to grow that hair back once he hangs up his shield.
2. Chris Hemsworth ("Thor")
Unlike his fellow Avenger, Chris Hemsworth is capable of balancing a beard and the powers of a Norse God of Thunder, all at the same time.
Combine that with massive pecs and flowing blonde locks, and you've got yourself a top notch future husband. (Except he's married, so you're best off moving onto #3 on this list.)
3. Tom Hardy ("Mad Max: Fury Road")
Whether he's rocking a shaved head or a gelled-up combover, Tom Hardy's beard game manages to always stay on point.
That is, unless you're watching him in "The Revenant." I'll have to let that one slide.
4. Jack Falahee ("How to Get Away with Murder")
I fell head over heels for Jack Falahee the second he batted those charming brown eyes as the overtly promiscuous law student, Connor Walsh, on "How to Get Away with Murder."
While he's admitted that makeup gives volume to his on-screen scruff, I'd still have no issue whatsoever spending the day in court with this relative Hollywood newcomer.
5. Stephen Amell ("Arrow")
There's something to be said about a man who knows how to work a bow-and-arrow.
As if his penchant for archery didn't cause us to swoon, Stephen Amell's smolder and tasteful amount of stubble combo in just about every photo he takes shows he's a man who likes to hone in on some personal upkeep.
Now that's a quality I can appreciate!
6. Ryan Gosling ("La La Land")
Ryan Gosling is as versatile an actor as he is style guru when it comes to showing face, on and off-screen.
His latest role in romantic musical "La La Land" not only reunites him with "Crazy, Stupid, Love" co-star Emma Stone, but also has him sporting a classic 'stache that moves with each high note he hits.
I've already bought my ticket.
7. John Krasinski ("13 Hours")
In last few years, we've seen John Krasinski morph from lovable office manager to buff war hero right before our very eyes.
With the much-needed tactical vest and weapons training for his role in "13 Hours" came a full face of fur, only reassuring Emily Blunt (and the world) that beards are always better.
8. Jamie Dornan ("Fifty Shades of Grey")
"Fifty Shades" may have introduced us to businessman and BDSM enthusiast Christian Grey, but we had to sacrifice looking at Jamie Dornan's undeniably sexy five o'clock shadow in order to do so.
This November, let's take a moment to remember what was taken from us and hope Jamie returns to his rugged roots once the film trilogy officially wraps in 2018.
9. Tyler Hoechlin ("Everybody Wants Some!!")
As the former resident Alpha werewolf in "Teen Wolf's" fictional town of Beacon Hills, Tyler Hoechlin was accustomed to sporting more hair than most men can grow in a lifetime.
Lucky enough, he's made this list because that dark hair (with a pair of piercing hazel eyes) suits him extremely well.
Now, for the fangs... I'll let you be the judge.
10. Charlie Hunnam ("Sons of Anarchy")
It's been a while since Charlie Hunnam's been spotted riding into the sunset atop a motorcycle, but the English actor still manages to pull off that scraggly blonde goatee, no matter what the role.
Though his array of shirtless shots have proven him to be groom happy around the chest, it's really any excuse to stare at those crystal blue eyes that truly matters.