Adriana Lima Is Rebounding From Her Patriots BF With This All-Star Pitcher
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Just last week, supermodel Adriana Lima officially became single after breaking up with her boyfriend of nearly a year, New England Patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman.
Well, that didn't last long.
According to Page Six, the 35-year-old supermodel was recently caught making out with New York Mets pitcher Matt Harvey!
As you're about to see, these two weren't just kissing, they were straight-up sucking face. Maybe the champagne played at least a partial role in the hookup!
Oh. Hot. Damn.
To caption the above photo, Page Six wrote,
EXCLUSIVE PHOTOS: #Mets bad boy pitcher and supermodel #AdrianaLima caught K-I-S-S-I-N-G (and boozing) in #Miami
According to Page Six, Harvey and Lima turned up at the River Yacht Club in Miami via, wait for it, a yacht. While chilling at the club, the 35-year-old model and the 27-year-old pitcher downed not just champagne, but also margaritas!
Apparently, the pair dined on oysters at the River Yacht Club and chilled for hours.
Knowing the dating histories of Lima and Harvey, I'd say this relationship has about a zero percent chance of making it to Opening Day, but maybe the fact these two are serial daters will actually make this romance stick.
Adriana Lima has been rumored to have dated Justin Bieber, Derek Jeter and Lenny Kravitz.
That's a lot, sure, especially when you consider Julian Edelman, but Harvey is no slouch when it comes to getting around.
The New York Mets pitcher has reportedly dated Victoria's Secret model Devon Windsor, as well as Anne Vyalitsyna, Ashley Haas, Shannon Rusbuldt, Ania Cywinska and Asha Leo.
Damn, Matt! That's not a dating history, it's a laundry list!
In any event, what do you think? Is it possible these two are so afraid of commitment, they'll actually end up committing to each other?
OK, probably not. But in any event, let's just enjoy this fling while it lasts!
Citations: Matt Harvey caught kissing Adriana Lima (Page Six)