Amy Schumer And Goldie Hawn Played 'Never Have I Ever' And Goldie Took The Cake
Amy Schumer and Goldie Hawn are in the middle of a press tour for their upcoming movie "Snatched" about a polar-opposite mother-daughter duo who take a trip to South America where things get a little wild.
Schumer and Hawn have already proven to be quite the comedic pair, and their friendship is giving us major goals.
This week, Schumer and Hawn stopped by "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" to talk about the movie and play a slightly scandalous game of "Never Have I Ever."
Ellen played, too, and out of the three women, it was Hawn who ended up winning. (Can you win at this game? I don't know, but the point is she held up the "I have" side the most times and also told the best stories so I dub her the winner.)
Here's how the game went.
Round 1: "Never have I ever taken a naked selfie."
Both Schumer and Hawn said they had at first, but there was a bit of confusion over the definition of a selfie. Hawn clarified,
Kurt took it... I didn't do a selfie... well, I was naked. I was being funny... it wasn't like that sexy weird picture. I was pretending like I was a strong man.
Hawn, who has been with Kurt Russell since 1983, is 71, but you would never know it by looking at her.
Goldie, if you want to pretend like you are a strong man and have Kurt take naked photos, go for it!
Round 2: "Never have I ever danced on tables for money."
Again, Hawn admitted she absolutely had. She explained,
I was a go-go dancer on a table for 25 bucks a night!
Round 3: "Never have I ever gotten a tattoo that I regret."
This time, Hawn finally got to flip her paddle around to the "I have never" side. Schumer, on the other hand, admitted she regretted a certain lower-back tattoo.
Round 4: "Never have I ever been caught by the police having sex."
Hawn again blamed Kurt for this one. She explained,
I swear to God this sounds terrible but that was Kurt, too.
Then she asked, "Do I win?" Yes, Goldie. You absolutely do.
If this game didn't get you pumped to see Schumer and Hawn star in "Snatched," which comes out Friday, May 12, I don't know what will.
You can watch the full interview and hear Amy tell the hilarious story of going to dinner at Goldie and Kurt's house below.
Citations: Goldie Hawn and Amy Schumer Play "Never Have I Ever" With Ellen DeGeneres (E! News)