Angelina Jolie And Brad Pitt Are Divorcing, And Love Is Officially Dead
Update, 11:26 am: Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt's attorney, Robert Offer, has released the following statement regarding their divorce filing:
Angelina has filed for dissolution of the marriage. This decision was made for the health of the family. She will not be commenting, and asks that the family be given its privacy at this time.
I know I say "love is dead" every time a celebrity couple breaks up, but this time, love really is dead because Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are reportedly divorcing.
According to a report from TMZ, Angelina Jolie filed legal documents on Monday to begin the process of divorcing her husband of two years.
The reports added Angelina is requesting complete physical custody of her six children while allowing Brad visitation. She listed the date of separation on the document as September 15, 2016.
Sources apparently told TMZ the source of conflict was Brad's parenting methods with their kids, which Angelina was "extremely upset" with.
The sources also said this was not a cheating matter. I don't... I don't even know what to say, you guys. Brangelina has been together for as long as I can remember — since 2004 when they met on the set of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith."
Like, Brangelina saw the rise and fall of CDs. Brangelina was together when "The Notebook" came out. I THOUGHT BRANGELINA WAS FOREVER.
The couple was officially married in August of 2014.
This is not Brad Pitt's first experience with divorce.
Brad and "Friends" actress Jennifer Aniston were famously married for five years before the couple announced their divorce in 2005.
Many speculated Brad cheated on Jennifer when he met Angelina in 2004.
And you know what Rachel's mom would say...
...or maybe it just wasn't Brangelina's day, their month or even their year.
Meanwhile, the people are not handling Brad's second divorce well.
We're all just processing a lot right now.
You may be experiencing a lot of confusing and conflicting emotions over the next few days. The best thing to do is just be there for each other.
RIP, Brangelina. RIP, Hollywood love as I know it.
I guess there really is no hope for anyone.