Ariel Winter’s Baby Voice Will Make You Cringe And Feel Extremely Uncomfortable
What are you doing, Ariel Winter?
The 19-year-old "Modern Family" star is known for posting scantily clad photos on Instagram and Snapchat and genuinely not giving a crap about what anyone thinks.
I don't know about you, but I love Ariel Winter for this. Her zero-fucks-given attitude is refreshing, inspiring and empowering.
However, what's not refreshing, inspiring and empowering is the cringeworthy baby voice Ariel Winder made when she joined the "Conan" show Thursday night.
Honestly, I'm not sure how to describe this horrifying sound, so just take a listen for yourself.
See? I wasn't lying.
In the video above, you can hear Ariel Winter tell Conan her baby voice creeps out her boyfriend and her friends, and, uh, it's not hard to see why.
Honestly, I don't know if I'll ever be the same after hearing that voice. I think I need to take five shots of whiskey right now and forget this ever happened.
Think of the worst sound you've ever heard. Got it?
Well, I'm certain the sounds cats make while dying in an alley isn't as bad as Ariel Winter's baby voice.
I love you, girl, but I have to keep it real.
Let's get back to talking about the 19-year-old "Modern Family" star's presence on social media, where she is an absolute queen.
In an interview with Elite Daily, Ariel Winter spoke about the photos she posts on Instagram and how she couldn't care less what trolls and haters have to say.
She said,
If I can't win, I'm going to work on a relationship with myself, which I also think is the most important thing we can teach young women and men today. And for me, now I post a photo and I don't care. If you're going to write something on it, whatever… If somebody doesn't like what I'm doing, you can unfollow me.
Boy bye!
Citations: Ariel Winter's Baby Voice Is Very Disturbing, I'll Never Look At Her The Same (Bro Bible)