Ashley Graham Reveals Her Husband's Nickname For Her Is 'Butt,' Because Duh
What's there not to love about Ashley Graham?
The 28-year-old model is hardly ever shy when it comes to showcasing her natural beauty for the world to see. Not to mention, she doesn't mind letting fans in on details about her personal life.
In a new interview with Vogue, Ashley Graham invited the publication into her Brooklyn apartment for its "73 Questions" series. She answered all sorts of questions -- even ones about her BUTT.
Graham started off by sharing a few random facts about herself.
The first question she was faced with?
What's the best thing going on in life right now?
She answered,
Um, lingerie, swim launch and the book's coming out May 9.
Graham then went on to admit the last thing she does before bed is "check Instagram." It doesn't get anymore relatable than that, my friends.
Considering Ashley's 3 million followers, is there anything else more important to do before bed?!
When asked about the hardest part about walking the runway during a fashion show, she admitted,
Celebrities and editors are all in the audience. You cannot look at them. You have to stay focused.
Now, I know what you're thinking... When are we going to talk about those curves (insert heart eyes emoji here)?!
Vogue asked the model if there was any look she's been wanting to pull off, but just can't.
Graham, whom many people have labeled as "plus-size," confidently responded,
Curvy girls can pull off any look. It's what we do.
Have you seen her work? She is not wrong. It speaks for itself!
Speaking of "her work," Ashley Graham has a massive portrait of butts in her Brooklyn apartment. When asked about its purpose, the model reveals,
I like big butts, and I cannot lie.
It turns out her husband Justin Ervin is a big fan of "butts," too. Thanks to this new interview with Vogue, we now know her husband has actually nicknamed her "Butt." I wonder why...
I'll let your imagination work overtime on that one!
Check out Ashley Graham's "73 Questions" interview with Vogue.
It makes perfect sense why Graham and her husband are obsessed with the overall concept of the butt (specifically her butt)...
Hers is a masterpiece, and Ashley's fashion idol is Kim K -- enough said!
Citations: Ashley Graham Charms Everyone by Answering Vogue's 73 Questions (E! News)