Beyoncé's Newest Ugly Christmas Sweater 'Sleighs' All Day
Want an absolutely flawless, Beyoncé-themed holiday season? Then look no further than this new, ugly Christmas sweater courtesy of the one and only Bey:
This will make want to bow down and by "bow down," I mean "put a bow down on this gift right now!"
Sure, ugly Christmas sweaters are supposed to be, you know, a little uglier than this sweatshirt. But if you're the Queen B, every outfit you create is going to be a work of art.
Also, you only have to shell out $60 to own it and, in turn, to own every single ugly Christmas sweater party you've been invited to this holiday season.
If you're somehow not convinced that this is a must-have addition to your yuletide closet, here's the front side of the sweatshirt in question:
It looks so comfy, doesn't it? And those pockets are perfect for stowing away some mistletoe for your ride-or-die.
And guess what? This sweatshirt also comes in the other festive color of the holiday season: green! And if you don't get one, you'll also be green... with envy.
Trust me. This is the closest article of clothing we've gotten to an actual Beyoncé-themed, ugly Christmas sweater since the ugly Christmas sweater she wore in the music video for "7/11."
Ah, 'tis truly a Christmas miracle...
And then there was this classic Beyoncé Christmas outfit:
While there's no word yet as to whether or not Bey's new bestie Hillary Clinton will be buying one of these sweatshirts, I know one person who should purchase one: President-elect Donald Trump... especially after he called her "Beyonsee."
Feel free to purchase your own sweatshirt from Beyoncé by taking a look at her entire collection here.
She's even got some wrapping paper that's perfect for any and all gifts for your family, Secret Santa or whoever is the person you're drunk in love with.
Citations: Beyoncé Releases Another Ugly Christmas Sweater — and (of Course) It's Lemonade-Themed (People)