
Even Celebrities Are Completely Divided Over The Colors Of 'The Dress'

by Adam Pliskin

I probably don't have to tell you about the tale of "The Dress" but in case you somehow missed it, this photo of a dress created quite a stir on the Internet last night.

Many claim the dress is white and gold, while a whole faction of others insist it is black and blue.

The color of the dress incited heated debate among the masses of the Internet. Naturally, Hollywood's finest decided to weigh in.

The celebs seem to be just as unsure of the color of the dress as everyone else.

Celebrities, they're just like us. Here's what they had to say about the dress seen 'round the world:

I don't understand this odd dress debate and I feel like it's a trick somehow. I'm confused and scared. PS it's OBVIOUSLY BLUE AND BLACK — Taylor Swift (@taylorswift13) February 27, 2015
k I'm in Milan so I know I'm late but I was sleeping &..... black and bluuuueeeee — Gigi Hadid (@GiGiHadid) February 27, 2015
i see grey and blue — Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) February 27, 2015
and ugly — Ariana Grande (@ArianaGrande) February 27, 2015
I'm confused. The dress everyone is talking about is blue and black. Who is seeing white and gold???! — Ashley Benson (@AshBenzo) February 27, 2015
Wow... My mind is blown. Civil war in the studio right now. #blueandblack/p>— Demi Lovato (@ddlovato) February 27, 2015
IT'S A BLUE AND BLACK DRESS! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME — Mindy Kaling (@mindykaling) February 27, 2015
I have read the explanations and still cannot fathom how ANYONE sees white and gold and I think they're attention-seeking LIARS — christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) February 27, 2015
The dress is white and gold. I see the back lining but that's it. Also, it looks like it was shot in the shade so it's a lighting thing — Cara Delevingne (@Caradelevingne) February 27, 2015
What color is that dress? I see white & gold. Kanye sees black & blue, who is color blind? — Kim Kardashian West (@KimKardashian) February 27, 2015
If that's not White and Gold the universe is falling apart. Seriously what is happening???? — Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47) February 27, 2015
@mindykaling @bjnovak what's the matter with u guys, it's white and gold. — Julianne Moore (@_juliannemoore) February 27, 2015
I'm Seeing Blue And Black, As Of Now — Jaden Smith (@officialjaden) February 27, 2015
Dress controversy... VIOLET and BLACK! Obvs. https://t.co/uQLbu9km5G — James Franco (@JamesFrancoTV) February 27, 2015
It's blue & brown. Period. Next? #whatcoloristhisdress — Julia Louis-Dreyfus (@OfficialJLD) February 27, 2015
And for everyone asking I see blue and black — Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) February 27, 2015
That dress is white and gold and the jacket a shimmery blue silver. Why is this a question? #whiteandgold — Bethenny Frankel (@Bethenny) February 27, 2015
i saw white and gold, then i saw blue and black. now I'm confused. — Lucy Hale (@lucyhale) February 27, 2015
From this day on, the world will be divided into two people. Blue & black, or white & gold. http://t.co/xJeR7GldwP pic.twitter.com/i6BwVzPzSZ — Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) February 27, 2015
How bout just plain fugly? #thedress — JARED LETO (@JaredLeto) February 27, 2015
The Gold is Blue and Dress. — Elizabeth Banks (@ElizabethBanks) February 27, 2015
Is this how they divvy up the districts in the real life version of The Hunger Games??? #whiteandgold #blueandblack — Rashida Jones (@iamrashidajones) February 27, 2015
Today has been a day of wonder. Llamas and color changing dresses. What is happening in 2015? — Sarah Hyland (@Sarah_Hyland) February 27, 2015
THE DRESS IS WHITE AND GOLD and the fact that I don't see any black in it is making me NUTS — Kat Dennings (@OfficialKat) February 27, 2015
Fuck the dress it's heinous — christine teigen (@chrissyteigen) February 27, 2015