Celine Dion's Reaction To A Couple Getting Engaged Is All Of Us On Facebook
I'm gonna let you in on a little secret.
I love Celine Dion because I recognize how truly weird the singer is.
Sure, she appears to be a classically trained chanteuse who sings about the blues of business men, tales being as old as time for "Beauty and the Beast" and how her heart will go on... but I know the truth.
Celine is a weirdo like you and me.
So, I feel her in a spiritual way when I witnessed her reaction to two of her fans becoming engaged right before her eyes.
Because, honey, I've been there.
Nick Janevski and Austin McMillian are both 24 years old and live in Vegas.
They've only been dating for six months after being introduced to each other at the gym, but they said they both "kinda knew that this was it."
McMillan happens to be a huge fan of my girl Celine. She told BuzzFeed News,
My mom raised me on Celine because she's a huge Celine Dion fan.
Fun fact: An ex I dated was also raised on Celine, but she hated her and her music.
Then, she had a dream Celine was her aunt. Now, she calls her "Aunt Celine" all the time -- proving everyone loves Celine. EVERYONE.
Once, when Janevski was picking McMillian up, "My Heart Will Go On" came on the radio. Since that moment, every time she got in the car he would play it on Spotify.
That's where he got his proposal idea.
Janevski used to be a personal trainer to Dion's manager, so he got a 30-second meet-and-greet with the iconic singer.
McMillian was already freaking out, figuring out what to say to her in such a short amount of time when Janevski popped the question.
And this is where all of us relate to Celine Dion. She perfectly embodies us witnessing another friend on Facebook becoming engaged.
Oh mon dieu, what is happening as of now?!
Sacrebleu! Another engagement! I mean... I like... heart emoji???
"I am not sure what is happen ici, how you say... here. But magnifique!"
Citations: A Guy Proposed To His Girlfriend In Front Of Celine Dion And Her Face Was Priceless (Buzzfeed)