Chloë Grace Moretz Is Talking About The Kardashians, Again
You know, if I were in a public feud with the Kardashian family, I'd probably try to keep it on the DL.
Chloë Grace Mortez, however, is a little different from me. She's not a fan of the Kardashians, and she wants everyone to know it.
Let's go back to the beginning of the fight between the K's and CGM.
Back in March, Kim Kardashian West posted a nude photo on Twitter. Chloë Grace Moretz responded with a very blunt, honest opinion.
Kim, being Kim, wasn't about to take that sitting down.
Then, in July, there was that drama when Khloé posted that VERY NSFW photo to call out Moretz.
Once again, the actress took to Twitter.
Now, several months later, Chloë Grace spoke about the famous family (and her close relationship with presidential nominee Hillary Clinton) in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.
She said,
I realized if I stop talking about the negativity then it can't thrive. And that's something I came to very, very recently... I think I gave my attention to people that didn't deserve my attention. So in some ways I think I regret giving them the attention, [though] I don't regret what I said... But also I realized that being the most opinionated and loud person in the room is not always the most impactful.
It sounds like some good came out of that drama, and Chloë Grace learned a few things. All's well that ends well?
Doubt it.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to make some pizza, sit back and wait for the Kardashians to respond.