Never Forget: Chris Pratt Once Had The Best Dadbod Of All Time (Photos)
The Dadbod seems to be all the rage these days. If you haven't heard about this new bodily trend, educate yourself.
It's basically when a younger guy looks like a middle-aged father. He's in shape but isn't jacked. He might have a beer belly but it's situated on top of a lower level of muscle.
Now that the Dadbod has become a thing on the Internet, we thought it was important to note that before people were even talking about it, Chris Pratt had the ultimate Dadbod.
He was flabby, but not fat. He just had a little extra body mass that made him seem more natural and lovable.
But, of course, that was the old Chris Pratt. Since then, he's become a major movie star. And, for the most part, major movie stars need to be unrealistically chiseled.
But let's take a moment to reflect on Chris Pratt's Dadbod of yore.
This is what Chris Pratt looked like with a Dadbod.
there's a special place in my heart for chubby chris pratt. never forget pic.twitter.com/mGONJBLk22 — melissa (@Iannincests) December 21, 2014
Anna Faris was a fan of the Dadbod way before anyone else.
The #ChrisPratt you see in this photo is no more: http://t.co/r8qZ1SVQ3f pic.twitter.com/eWTbXFYqs1 — Yahoo Celebrity (@YahooCelebrity) November 18, 2014
He wasn't fat. He just wasn't the Chris Pratt we know today.
Chris Pratt yang chubby chup chup 13 bulan sblm screening Guardians of the galaxy pic.twitter.com/6QW1J0wE9b — Iqbal Ripangi (@ibalpangi) August 10, 2014
So what if he liked to snack every now and again?
i love chubby guys who then turn hot #underdog#chrispratt http://t.co/H2oSfhh4Sm pic.twitter.com/QoBqkrJl4r — Yeni Organa Solo (@YeniiBoo) August 10, 2014
Plus, a guy with a Dadbod is way funnier than one with rock hard abs.
But then Chris Pratt appeared in "Zero Dark Thirty" and got jacked.
@SarinaAngelique and here's a shirtless Chris Pratt since you're into that sort of thing or something pic.twitter.com/mH2CLU5lsy — Nathan Giese (@NathanGiese) April 20, 2015
It's almost like he's not the same guy.
And now for something completely different, Chris Pratt in underwear from Zero Dark Thirty days. Why? BECAUSE I CAN. pic.twitter.com/TQvwyuOe7j — It's Kim! (@KimFreakinB) November 24, 2014
And then he starred in "Guardians of the Galaxy" and got even more ripped.
Are there enough shirtless pics of Chris @prattprattpratt on the internet? http://t.co/yigFT0lJhJ pic.twitter.com/4mpp8ryxVQ — HuffPost UK Ent (@HuffPostUKEnt) November 27, 2014
Pratt went from Dadbod to full on Hollywood stud.
Where can I buy this shirt?? @prattprattpratt pic.twitter.com/XlG2b9VLjx — Chris Martin (@TheChickenB0y) May 5, 2015
Hell, he's even starring in "Jurassic World." How's that for a transformation?
Oh, just some glorious GIFs of Chris Pratt in this wonderfully tight t-shirt: http://t.co/VbcCGszAFa pic.twitter.com/j3zoSEwQmt — POPSUGAR (@POPSUGAR) April 26, 2015