
Dave Chapelle Is Avoiding Rachel Dolezal Jokes Because No One Else Is

by Adam Pliskin

Dave Chappelle is notorious for his racially-charged humor.

On "Chappelle's Show," the comedian mounted excellent sketches such as "Racial Draft" and those featuring Clayton Bigsby, a blind member of the KKK who also happens to be black.

However, when it comes to Rachel Dolezal, Chappelle isn't going to crack any jokes anytime soon.

Dolezal is a white woman who has been accused of posing as a black woman by her parents after years of "pretending." Today, she resigned as president of the NAACP chapter in Spokane, WA.

Chappelle said,

The thing that the media's gotta be real careful about, that they're kind of overlooking, is the emotional context of what she means. There's something that's very nuanced where she's highlighting the difference between personal feeling and what's construct as far as racism is concerned. I don't know what her agenda is, but there's an emotional context for black people when they see her and white people when they see her. There's a lot of feelings that are going to come out behind what's happening with this lady. And she's just a person, no matter how we feel about her.

Chappelle is also hesitant to comment on the situation in his comedy act because he knows everyone else will be doing it.

He said,

I'm probably not going to do any jokes about her or any references to her for awhile 'cause that's going to be a lot of comedians doing a lot. And I'm sure her rebuttal will be illuminating. Like, once she's had time to process it and kind of get her wind back and get her message together.

If Dave Chappelle doesn't want to talk about this hot-button issue before all the facts are released, maybe we all should hold off as well.

Citations: Dave Chappelle Wont Be Making Jokes About Rachel Dolezal Anytime Soon (The Washington Post)