Emma Thompson Defends Co-Star Like A Boss After She Was Asked To Lose Weight
Emma Thompson isn't putting up with any of Hollywood's crappy body-shaming.
The prolific actress has been in the biz for decades, but she says she still notices producers demeaning actresses by pressuring them to lose weight.
During an appearance on the Scandinavian talk show "Skavlan" last week, Thompson recalled overhearing a producer tell one of her fellow actresses to drop some pounds a few years back.
Rather than just ignore the harmful comment, Thompson stepped in and threw a bit of her own weight around, telling him she would quit the film if he continued pressuring her like that.
She said,
There was a wonderful actress I was working with on something called 'Brideshead Revisted,' and the producers said to her, 'Will you lose some weight?' She was absolutely exquisite. And I said to them, 'If you speak to her about this again, on any level, I will leave this picture. You are never to do that.' It's evil what's going on out there, and it's getting worse.
Since Thompson's "Brideshead Revisited" adaptation came out in 2008, this exchange must have occurred just about 10 years ago.
Of course, Thompson had already achieved revered status by then, having starred in beloved films like "Love Actually" and the "Harry Potter" franchise, along with critically adored roles in "Sense and Sensibility" and "Howards End," so her leaving the movie would have done a lot of damage to it.
Of course, Emma wound up starring in "Brideshead Revisited," so hopefully that means the producers backed off her female castmate.
Thompson didn't reveal which actress she was standing up for, but two of her standout female co-stars in that movie were Hayley Atwell and Felicity Jones.
And as anyone who's seen "Agent Carter" or "Rogue One" is well aware, both Hayley and Felicity most definitely do not need to lose any weight.
Emma talked a lot about the toxic atmosphere that she feels as an actress when she goes to Hollywood.
She spoke about how a number of actors and actresses develop anorexia, and said every time she has to travel to Los Angeles she feels out of place and not accepted because of her body.
Every time I have to go to Los Angeles I think 'Oh God, I'm too fat to go there. They're not going to let me in!'... I really feel LA is so mad and so hostile...
Listen to Emma Thompson's full story about the body-shaming on the set of "Brideshead Revisited" below, starting at around 15:34.
Citations: Emma Thompson Once Threatened To Leave A Production After A Producer Asked Her Costar To Lose Weight (Perez Hilton)