'Harry Potter' Fans Deserve Way More Than Johnny Depp In 'Fantastic Beasts 2'
Last summer, Amber Heard filed a restraining order against Johnny Depp for domestic abuse.
There were pictures of a giant bruise on her face, where, she said, her husband hit her.
And despite rampant sexist claims she was lying to get rich, after Amber was awarded $7 million, she donated every penny of her divorce settlement to stop violence against women and to a children's hospital.
So why, for the love of Merlin, has Johnny Depp been gifted a major role in one of the most beloved and successful film series of all time, less than six months later?
On Tuesday, Warner Bros. revealed Depp will star in the upcoming sequel to the "Harry Potter" spinoff, "Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them."
Depp will also apparently have a small appearance in the first film, which opens November 18.
While the studio has not officially confirmed what Depp's role will be, Hypable reports an anonymous source involved in the film says he will be playing Gellert Grindelwald.
You can see a brief shot of Depp for yourself at around 3:22 in the below featurette.
Early last month, JK Rowling revealed there would be a total of five "Fantastic Beasts" films, and that future films would focus on Grindelwald as a prominent character.
In case you've forgotten, Grindelwald was Dumbledore's friend and lover back in the day, but power went to his head and he became the dark leader of the First Wizarding War.
So Depp, an alleged domestic abuser, will essentially be taking on a role in this spinoff as important as Ralph Fiennes' Voldemort in the original films.
There are so many things wrong with this.
1. Depp's career has essentially been saved.
"Harry Potter" will never not dominate in the box office, and considering this is going to be a five-film franchise, Depp just secured himself a very cushy job for the next decade or so.
Even before the abuse allegations, Depp's movies had been suffering at the box office. "Alice Through the Looking Glass" bombed hard, as did his attempt at a comedy, "Mortdecai."
Some thought a blow like domestic abuse might finish him.
Instead, the best possible thing that could have happened to his career was handed to him on a silver platter: He got "Potter."
2. "Harry Potter" is built on stories of survivors of domestic abuse.
You know who are abuse survivors like Amber Heard? Harry Potter and Severus Snape, arguably the two heroes of the entire series.
Harry is literally forced to live in a closet for the first 11 years of his life. His Aunt Petunia hits him with a frying pan.
And as Harry learns when he dives into Snape's memories, Snape's own father abused both him and his mother at home.
Now Warner Bros. is going to continue this series, built around stories of abuse, with an alleged abuser as the star?
3. Many "Harry Potter" fans are survivors of abuse themselves.
Is it any surprise stories about fictional survivors attract real life survivors?
Now these fans are forced to choose: Stay loyal to their beloved "Harry Potter"? Or support a man accused of hitting and threatening his wife?
In short, this casting decision is not living up to the moral and social responsibility "Harry Potter" has, in the past, valued dearly.
It's no wonder loyal fans of the series are feeling betrayed.
Unfortunately, it does seem likely JK Rowling and director David Yates locked down Johnny Depp before the allegations of abuse got out, considering he appears in the first film.
Still, if I were Rowling and Yates, I would be prepared to face fans demanding a recast for the upcoming sequel. I know I will be among them.