
The Hot Guy Sitting Next To Kevin Spacey At The Emmys Stole The Show
by Taylor Ortega
Anyone who can stay sexy while wearing a big, stupid hat indoors has my vote for whatever the highest ranking position is, based on looks alone.
The internet caught a glimpse of the guy sitting next to Kevin Spacey at this year's Emmy Awards ceremony and went full Columbo in an attempt to name him.
Who. Is. This. Man?
OK Twitter. The goal of the night is to get to the bottom of who is sitting next to Kevin Spacey #Emmys — Ian Zelaya (@IanDavidZelaya) September 19, 2016
Turns out, the mystery hottie is Kev's manager, Evan Lowenstein.
@samlansky @whoweekly he's his new manager. — Chelsea (@chelscoco) September 19, 2016
@IanDavidZelaya it's his manager, Evan Lowenstein — Chasing Spacey (@ChasingSpacey) September 19, 2016
@samlansky its Evan Lowenstein, his manager. A million points to me! — Elizabeth Ayres (@BuffyAyres) September 19, 2016
But -- WAIT A FREAKING SEC -- this is not Evan's first Hollywood rodeo.
OOF. Give us those early-aught romance jams, Evvie.
Despite your many talents, kindly accept some of us are just never going to get over that hat.
Don't let that deter you from managing the living crap out of our boy Kevin's career.
Citations: Kevin Spacey's Hot Seatmate Is the Heartthrob of the 2016 Emmys (New York magazine)