Jennifer Garner Starts Rumors About Her Love Life: 'Brad And I Are Dating'
Love can't last in Hollywood, but jokes about divorce really can.
When Jennifer Garner encountered paparazzi on her way back from a morning workout, she gave up precisely the kind of delicious, meaty morsel of gossip America constantly craves.
She teased,
Brad and I are dating.
Yes, Jen, yes. Feed us that gossip stew. We want to get so full on steaming bowls of gossip we can't drag our stew bodies toward our phones and spread this news.
One of the cameramen stalking Jen asked, “You're dating Brad Pitt?!” because whenever we, as a society, dive face-first into a stovetop pot of goss, someone always has to verify.
The actress continued,
Isn't that great? Yeah!
It's all just a bit soon, but Brad and Jen are both single after their respective splits from Angelina Jolie and Ben Affleck.
When gorgeous, successful stars are involved, anything — even a second chance at highly-publicized romance — can happen.
Jen and Brad could end up bonding over the harsh spotlight cast upon members of the Hollywood elite during a time of marital crisis.
In a recent statement, Brad stressed the importance of the wellbeing of his children throughout the separation.
He wouldn't have to make a statement like this to Jen. She already knows. During her split from Ben earlier this year, she told Vanity Fair,
The main thing is these kids — and we're completely in line with what we hope for them. Sure, I lost the dream of dancing with my husband at my daughter's wedding. But you should see their faces when he walks through the door. And if you see your kids love someone so purely and wholly, then you're going to be friends with that person.
Yes. Totally.
Jen, Brad: The time has come to make an impossibly gorgeous version of "The Brady Bunch." Join your families. Buy a ranch-style home. Get a swing set. Slap it on some astroturf. Adopt a rescue dog.
This is your future.
Citations: Jennifer Garner Jokes She Is Dating Brad Pitt: 'Isn't That Great?' (People)